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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Indictments coming, then I'll get back to you on the charges.
  2. Who gives a fuck about Twitter, Dorsey or any of it. The point is, Trump LOST again, and that in itself is worth it.
  3. Joe Biden isn't a criminal like your orange shit stain.
  4. He will, however, support 26% you half-story sharing imp.
  5. Then keep making an ass out of yourself. I don't give a fuck.
  6. It's called CHEATING, and GQP would not survive without it https://www.axios.com/gerrymandering-states-partisan-redistricting-elections-3ead2a0a-3876-4e85-aaa1-f80efd76daad.html
  7. Boo-Fucking-Hoo Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit over Trump's Twitter account WWW.YAHOO.COM The case arose after seven people responded critically to tweets on the president's now-banned @realDonaldTrump account and he retaliated by blocking them.
  8. What Trump so desperately wanted. Dictatorship. Putin signs law enabling him to stay in power until 2036 - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday gave final approval to legislation allowing him to hold office for two additional six-year terms, giving himself the possibility to stay in power until 2036...
  9. You don't see the big picture. You never do. Why don't you do this thread a favor and comment with actual facts, not dreamy bullshit.
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