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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Shit, he can grow a beard, wear a hat and go Amish now. They live the life he dreams of.
  2. Paul Gosar Is GOP's Designated White Nationalist | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM Steve King, the Iowa congressman who finally stepped aside in the election, used to play the role. Nowadays, Paul Gosar of Arizona seems to have become the go-to guy.
  3. Cartoon: Elephant's Brain | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM WHAT are the Republicans thinking?
  4. Requiring ID to buy a gun saves people's lives. Something you give fuck all about.
  5. Biden's smart as a whip, sharp and has 1000x the stamina you had 25 years ago.
  6. .....is helping get Trump thrown in prison, where he will probably die.
  7. A strong bill with 77% support among the American public, including republi-cons. You're just pissed because Trump failed on multiple levels and got blown out of the WH.
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