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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. How can I? Trump will get his sharpie out and say it went somewhere else.
  2. Yep....You GQPers never taking responsibility for anything.
  3. The vaccination rate under Trump was for shit because it took him a fucking year to become semi-conscious to the hundreds of thousands of deaths. He had no plan and it cost lives, and his presidency. Biden, on the other hand, got the smart people to vaccinate while MAGAts & GQPers were busy wagging their fingers, thus allowing an even more deadly and contagious strain to take over. Fuck, you people refuse to take any responsibility for anything.
  4. Are you kidding? Every major news outlet has been relentless in their criticism of Biden. Get a clue.
  5. They've moved back to the caveman days, which is exactly what the GQP, MAGAts and religious freaks want to do here.
  6. Yet you pin the blame squarely on Biden for the terrorist act of these "Animals." Make up your mind shit for brains.
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