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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. I'm really surprised by you. That comment was disingenuous and racist. You have no idea how it will work out.
  2. Ridge thinks he knows more about me than I do. I'm in my 20's? I live in the basement? I survive on the government dime? He and Nicholas are bitter, unhappy people.
  3. Ridge wants more death so he can hold it against Biden. I know his type - I'm fucking surrounded by them.
  4. Thanks a lot GQP states. Vaccine effectiveness against COVID dropping, CDC study says WWW.YAHOO.COM Vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 infection dropped from 91% to 66% once the delta variant accounted for the majority of circulating virus, according to a study published Tuesday by the...
  5. Why didn't he just put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.....Quicker with the same result. A police captain who refused the vaccine and took the anti-parasitic ivermectin to combat COVID-19 dies from the virus WWW.YAHOO.COM Captain Joe Manning of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office took the anti-parasitic ivermectin - often used to deworm horses - as a COVID-19 cure.
  6. Whatsamatter? Don't like that your comments suck, thus they don't earn my "Like?" You're a fake....a fraud.
  7. You vote for the letter next to their names, no matter that their policies suck.
  8. Ahhhh....The Trump excuse....."I have lots of black friends." Loser.
  9. LOLOL. Oh they care you mind-numbed fuckface. They care a lot/.
  10. So it's Wallace's fault that Trump fucked himself at that debate.....gotcha.
  11. The 11 Marines are Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, of Salt Lake City, Utah Sgt. Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25, of Lawrence, Massachusetts Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, of Sacramento, California Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, of Indio, California Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, of Omaha, Nebraska Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, of Logansport, Indiana Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, of Rio Bravo, Texas Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, of St. Charles, Missouri Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, of Jackson, Wyoming Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, of Rancho Cucamonga, California Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, of Norco, California Also killed were Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, of Berlin Heights, Ohio, and Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, of Corryton, Tennessee.
  12. So? Newsom has been attacked for 3 years by the crybaby GQP.
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