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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Say what you want....The DOW and the economy are two different entities. The Stock Market Is Not the Economy TCF.ORG TCF intern Ellie Kaverman interviewed Jeff Madrick, director of the Bernard L. Schwartz Rediscovering Government Initiative, and Andrew Stettner, TCF senio
  2. I just put it there for you. FACTS. Yet you just have to argue it. You're as pointless as a broken pencil.
  3. 1. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is the second-oldest and best-known stock market index. Owned by Dow Jones & Company, it measures the daily price movements of 30 large American companies on the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. 2. Different methods, such as Gross National Product (GNP) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be employed to assess economic growth. ... Gross National Product measures the value of goods and services produced by a nation (GDP) and income from foreign investments. You're an asshole.
  4. You don't even try to find truth. You just want to "own the Libs."
  5. You don't listen to him "Much," but he lies "a lot." You don't know what you're talking about.
  6. No, we're not. The truth has been in plain sight the whole time: Trump lost, fair and square.
  7. Not boring, but stressful. A very dangerous and irresponsible man when handed power.
  8. Oh please. I've never seen or heard so much bullshit in my life. Arizona audit chief's claim about 74,000 suspicious ballots demolished by CNN - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM An attempt to create doubt about the legitimacy of over 74,000 ballots cast in Maricopa County in the 2020 presidential election was slapped aside by CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale in a column...
  9. Deathsantis must be thirsty again. So how fast does Delta spread in 4 weeks? Florida shows it is very fast. WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Delta cases are exploding in several states. The outbreaks in June focused on states with very low vaccination rates, including Missouri and Arkansas. Florida is a little bit different. According...
  10. Nope, not stagnant under Biden. The American economy is booming, and so is business optimism: Morning Brief FINANCE.YAHOO.COM Top news and what to watch in the markets on Monday, July 19, 2021.
  11. Free speech does not protect dropping F-bombs for children to see and read. It's no different than porn or even an R-Rated movie: No kids allowed. Oh, here comes Ridge to whine about "Fuck Trump" signs....which I've never seen.
  12. Not even your "awesome" cyber-ninjas could find fraud. Again, your disappointment is bliss.
  13. Oh, I forgot, you project too. You're a sad excuse for a human being.
  14. No, you're just fucking pitiful. And pathetic, lazy, old and immature.
  15. Well, now I know what your 38 year-old blond "GF" does for a living.
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