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Posts posted by mingo

  1. 4 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

    It does seem possible,she's the one that usually initiates convos now so it's really possible she may want to make it work with him,and he does have a fuck off attitude towards her

    It seems to me she checked out long ago, they hardly did anything together, and to quote a Spanish proverb, when poverty comes through the door, love goes out the window! It seems all they have left now are disputes over finances. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Francisq1 said:

    Pas évident, si elle n'a pas de rentrée d'argent régulière. Mais je suis d'accord avec vous sur le fond.

    Selon les traducteurs, elle a loué une chambre dans un appartement partagé, elle doit donc toucher un salaire pour payer le loyer parce qu'il ne semble pas qu'elle ait un pécule de côté.  Nous ne savons pas ce qui se passe en dehors de cet appartement..

    • Upvote 3
  3. 41 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Why do you think Juliet is so comfortable staying in the apartment with someone she barely knows? And performing sexually in front of the camera as if she is a professional. 

    How could someone come in and take over the boyfriend as she has done in front of the ex-girlfriend (Martina) or F**** buddy. You have to have some big scrotums or big vagina to do what she is currently involved in. Do you think Juliet has a plan?  Has she been vetted by RLC or do they care? 

    It's a good gig, especially for a low wage earner: A free place to live in the city in exchange for selling your privacy. RLC is blocked if your IP is in Spain unless you subscribe to a VPN (I tried when I was I was in Spain). Even though Martina was done with Alberto when he hooked up with Juliet, to ME, it's awkward and cringeworthy to be at the apartment when the ex-girlfriend is there, be it hanging out, sleeping together on the couch or fucking. You must be shameless to be on RLC to exchange your privacy for money for all to see! 😃

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  4. 1 hour ago, tle said:

    and she still doesn't have boobs... She has gel inserts...

    When Nelly and Bodgan were in the project when they were living in St. Petersburg, Russia, pre-implants, and Nelly had no tits.. nada.. nothing.. just nipples, so she got implants but they look so unnatural. Maybe she and Masha went for a 2-for-1 special, as Masha had tiny tits. 

  5. 41 minutes ago, moules said:

    IIRC, it was posted on CC that Martina was 15 when she first met Alberto.  And that Alberto is 5-10 years older than Martina.

    Martina had to be 18 to become a participant.  So she and Alberto were fucking before they both decided the leave their provincial town for the big city. And once in the big city, they quickly appeared on RLC.

    So is it possible that (1) Alberto took Martina's virginity, and (2) Alberto is the only guy she has fucked?  (An exception to (2) may be Marta's bf.  Too much casual familiarity at the New Year's party between the two couples.)

    IMO, Martina has increasingly become disappointed in Alberto.  It was posted on CC that after arriving in this new apartment, he spoke with his mother, and promised her he would attend a trade school and learn a skill.  (For example, to become a chef, or mechanic.)  He never did.  And subsequently, he has revealed that he has little knowledge of financial matters.

    And I now wonder whether Martina sees a parallel between Alberto's early interaction with her (for example, the pursuit of young pussy) and his current passion for Juliette.


    When M&A moved into the RLC apt, Martina was 21 and Alberto 26. She grew up, expanded her horizons, decided on her career, pursued it by going to school.. and he remained stagnant.. and they drifted apart.  It happens frequently with long time couples. 

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  6. 58 minutes ago, darkman said:

    parece que a taco no le gusta su nueva casa . creo que martina esta teniendo problemas con taco .

    acordaros que dije , que martina no se llevaba a taco , lo dije y lo mantengo .

    El perro se adapta mejor al estilo de vida de Alberto. Martina va a la escuela durante el día y le gusta salir de noche mientras que Alberto va a trabajar y luego es una persona hogareña.

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  7. 35 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    We don't know how long her contract with RLC lasts. She's definitely not very enthusiastic about packing her things...she's not in a big hurry. If she plans to leave RLC on November 1st, she needs to pick up her pace.🤔

    She's not taking the furniture, so all she has to pack is her personal belongings. She took her pics off the fridge and her portrait above the TV, but I still see another set of framed photos from her trips still on the wall behind the tv, but yeah, you'd think she'd come in and get all the packing done and not drag it out.  A rather awkward situation when she comes to the apartment to sleep in the same bed that just a while before Alberto and his new girl were having sex. 

  8. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    As long as the post states the information was obtained from within the apartment then she or he won't have any problems with the post. If it doesn't then I have no way of knowing how the information was obtained. Any information from Social Media Accounts is prohibited.

    So what if the apartment residents are talking in the apartment about something they did outside the apartment, is that also a no? To my mind, that's fair game, they brought it up and talked about it on camera. 

  9. 6 hours ago, darkman said:

    lo que sabemos , lo sabemos por que pasa o se habla en el apartamento , son ellos los que hablan , cuentan , saben que hay camaras , no entiendo por que no se puede comentar aqui en el foro .

    otra cosa es cuentas privadas de ellos . quien las sepa , por que yo no las conozco .

    Si no podemos hablar de lo que los residentes del apartamento se dicen entre sí frente a la cámara en el apartamento, ¿qué sentido tiene tener este foro? Cualquier conversación sobre lo que están haciendo fuera del apartamento es pura especulación. Prefiero confiar en hechos basados en palabras y hechos realizados en el apartamento, y no en conjeturas.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Troy said:

    what's going on in that apartment right now? he has a girlfriend she's going all the time?  All I know is That poor little dog is not feeling the love right now? Whatever's going on between those 2? the little dog is caught in the middle.

     Can't help it I'm a dog person.🙂

    It's Martina's dog, she's the one who should be spending time with him and taking him with her when she sleeps elsewhere..

    • Upvote 2
  11. Translators said M&A broke up last February. Martina has a new girlfriend and Alberto now does too.. Lots of speculation on the true nature of their relationship; friends with benefits, etc.. but now the fairy tale is over and they are headed on separate paths. Will the new girl move in and live with Alberto? Will RLC move a new couple here? Stay tuned for another installment of real-life drama.. 

  12. 1 hour ago, darkman said:

    esta claro que todas las parejas están en el proyecto por dinero .

    por lo que dijo Alberto en la discusión en el comedor .

    hay un fijo mensual , que podría ser de unos 800 euros mas menos .

    los incentivos por audiencia , creo que pueden ser igual o superiores a esta cantidad .

    esta claro que RLF vive de su audiencia , y esta se incrementa cuando hay sexo .

    no creo que les interese tener una pareja que no tiene sexo .

    por eso el incentivo es mayor o igual al fijo mensual .

    por otro lado , no entiendo por que martina tiene una habitacion alquilada , si esta de pareja con gf4 , son pareja con derechos y nada mas , por que juntas no viven ni van a vivir , por lo menos en corto plazo , por lo que parece . 

    lo que si esta claro es que martina abandonara el proyecto en breve .


    Con toda la "acción" entre Alberto y Julieta, el bono mensual será más alto que nunca! Si Julieta viene a vivir aquí con Alberto, fácilmente duplicarán su salario mensual!

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 hour ago, thinga69 said:

    The difference is that M&A are only a couple because of the money.

    btw, I really doubt that V&L really needs RLC's money, but is a good help.

    V&L both work, having a free apartment helps in building their savings account, it's a great boost for young people to not have to spend a third of their income on living expenses.  On the other hand, Alberto spent YEARS sitting at home playing video games, while Martina worked as a waitress on and off.. so in all the years they've been living rent free, they did not have steady jobs with a regular income on which to build up their savings to reach a solid financial foundation, and now they are both facing the consequences of their past behavior. At least Martina was smart enough to go back to school and get an education to help her launch her career and a potential for earning more money than minimum wage. 

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  14. 8 minutes ago, darkman said:

    alberto tienes una solucion muy facil . vende tu pecera , la bici de 3000 euros vendela por 2000 , trae a  julieta a casa y martina que se vaya , empieza a ahorrar , y de aqui un año , podras buscarte una casa y larharte de rlf .

    Y deja de fumar... eso debería ahorrarte mucho dinero y tu yo mayor te lo agradecerá en el futuro. Probablemente usa su bici para ir al trabajo y ahorrar dinero en el billete de autobús.

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