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Everything posted by redole1999

  1. All these fake tryst's with nelly so she can spend her bonuses on a motorcycle, i see it all now🙃
  2. Leaving it as a shrine for the wonderful megan of course🙄
  3. They have entertained me more in a day than the ugly sisters that departed did in 6 months🙃
  4. Megs bed, megs kitchen, megs shitter, maybe it can get changed to megs villa🙄😉
  5. If they keep this up then most people might get their wish and nelly and bogdan may decide to piss off😲
  6. I will second that, the sooner she gets to college the better, and then she can get that wonderful career and future that most the members have mapped out for her🤢
  7. The most exciting thing was when megan and holly finally pissed off
  8. They got an apartment out of it, maybe bog needs to slap nelly some and everyone can have their wish😉
  9. mmm looks bored shitless, but her speaking in english wow😛
  10. Funding her studies blowing alberto once in a while, get off your arse and stack a few shelves, might make a proper woman out of you.
  11. I sincerely hope she has passed and got the grades she needs so she can leave and we don't have to hear what a wonderful fucking human being she is because she happens to do a normal thing and care to study🙄
  12. It was me, and i meant suffered with the pandemic not watching those two skanks!
  13. I don't, we have all suffered, more time for the girls to get the dildo's out and get those bonuses, i doubt very much they were furloughed😉 🙄
  14. Indeed, like two naughty schoolgirls that don't give a fuck and making the most of it, nice to tune in and not have to look at the mugs of the recent departed😉
  15. The hygiene isn't much better, the one with the specs blew her nose left the tissue on the kitchen worktop and 10 minutes later used it to clean 🤢
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