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Posts posted by Kenpaul

  1. 15 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    it must be said that there is not much else to comment on rlc at the moment !!! 😄

    It's been one year, since I became interested in RLC.  As a non subscriber there was plenty of video content, and CC had some interesting commentary.  A year later, no non subscriber videos, and the comments center on Martina's hair cut. Oh, what a year wrought!😆

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  2. 28 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    General question...  are the majority of those who are on camera for RLC typically awake at 3am (their time) and seemingly nocturnal?  I can't imagine staying up so late every night.  Granted they don't have "typical" jobs or any jobs at all, but still.  Is it so the viewers in the US can see them more, since they'd normally be sleeping a good portion of the day most in the US are awake or is this standard behavior for those in the EU?  🤔

    I've wondered about that, too. Despite what some say, we really don't know what the compensation terms are, for the participants, when they sign up. Maybe the scuttlebutt, among them, is staying up late can bring in more money.

    Good observation!

  3. 17 minutes ago, Alladino said:


    Nelly is not particularly good looking, but used to make up for it with a really sympathetic personality. I can still remember the two in russia. Nelly and Bodgan were clearly one of the top couples from my point of view at this time. But it must also be said that RLC had a lot of really good-looking people in the cast at that time. Currently, this is less and less the case, so the appearance has gained weight. Still, I see no reason that the two should not stay in barcelona, rather I think RLC should let more couples live in B4 especially.

    Anyway, regardless of the discussion whether Nelly and Bodgan should be in B4 or not, I think Nelly is being unfair to Bodgan. Something like an open relationship can only work if it is practiced on both sides. Everything else is at the expense of the side that remains committed.

    Sometimes it helps to imagine the roles reversed to evaluate the situation. Imagine, for example, that Bodgan and not Nelly would be in a second relationship with Martina. Whoever believes that Nelly would agree with this is living in an illusion. There was a translation here some time ago in which Nelly talked to Bodgan that he had built up a too close relationship with Holly and Magan. This is really a statement that can not be surpassed in audacity, considering that Nelly now even makes vacations together with her second relationship.



    I like your reversal idea.  Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Martina was the homebody, and Alberto kept showing up in b4 sexually with one of the girls. Would that have lasted? I have a feeling the girls are more territorial than the boys.

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, mingo said:

    Martina cooking topless in the kitchen. Alberto was in there all lovey dovey, kissing her. She didn't reciprocate. All is well today. 

    You're correct. I saw the same thing. Not only kissing, he also pulled down her panties and gave a light pat on the ass. He got crickets. When he used to this, he would get an equal return. Remember the kitchen fuck sessions? 

    I agree mingo, something is different. Is this the new normal?

  5. 11 minutes ago, jman9212 said:

    I think we can drop the beauty. She has beautiful TITS that's really about all. Yes a nice smile also. Skinny legs, putting on some pounds, complexion is not good and temper comes out at the drop of a hat. Just TITS.

    Beauty is subjective not objective.  What you see, and what I see are equally valid. I'm not a tits man, but you are. There are other parts of a woman's body that I admire. Temper validates the the skin deep part. I respect your opinion, but not necessarily agree with it . I hope you can do the same.


  6. 1 minute ago, mingo said:

    He's really at her mercy, he needs her if he is to have a free place to live and a monthly stipend. She could kick him out and keep the apartment, especially given her connection with that that loathesome russian couple, and we know he's flat broke, so I have sympathy for him, having to eat crow, grin and bear it as much as possible. 

    Sadly you are correct. Also, from an RLC perspective, Martina and Alberto are a cash cow, on screen sex, extra curricular sex and now maybe arguing and drama.

    In a way Alberto may have been painted into a corner. Until he gets his life turned around, he may be stuck.

    Good insight.

  7. 8 minutes ago, mingo said:

    I like to read your text translated into Spanish. I could reply to you in Spanish, but it would be too slow for the pace of this conversation! Thank you very much for all your translations. My Spanish is at an intermediate level.

    He screwed her life because she's fucking another woman and comes home to tell him about it.. she goes out without him all the time.. and he's basically her housekeeper, but he's screwed her life?? 

    This girl has some growing up to do.. As we say in English, you can't have your cake and eat it too. 

    If Alberto can grow a spine, another good English saying is: what is good for the goose(female) is good for the gander(male).  Is this latest confession the beginning of the end? Stay tuned.

  8. 13 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Thank you KP.  I agree with everything you just said.  Which to me is all the more reason to support my theory that they are becoming great friends ... FWB friends is part of this package ... as they commiserate with their situations ... but it probably won't be anything more than a great friendship.  Perhaps lifelong.  Think about it ... if Martina is struggling with her future ... I have to think Nelly is a better sounding board than Alberto who is a ni ni.     Of course this is crazy to you guys ... what makes Nelly a great "life coach" so to speak ... but that's the point ... girls need other girls to "vent" to ... just as you guys probably "vent" about your SO's to other guys as well.   Nelly is not a great role model but it doesn't matter as long as she listens and has Martina in her heart which I think she does.  

    Also remember this basic truth:  Before you can love someone, you have to love yourself.  Alberto doesn't seem to love himself right now.    Nelly probably loves herself too much.   

    Girls need other girls. I can relate because we are dealing with a 90yr. mother and her issues. My sister, 2 boys, one girl, has mentioned she would like a sister to talk to. You are correct woman to woman or man to man talk is different compared to man to woman.

    I agree about Alberto. Just based on body language, he seems to be floating through life. His money problems are probably coming to a head soon. Maybe, that's a reason why Martina needed to get away. 

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