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Posts posted by Kenpaul

  1. 8 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I think we should be careful to not "pile on" Alberto here.  And I am not criticizing JMAN and Adalbert or anyone else.  Indeed, I was pretty critical of Alberto myself and I still have issues with him.  But he is who he is and we all know people in our lives where we look at their "soul mate" and we scratch our heads and wonder "what does he/she see in him/her".

    My only real concern about Alberto remains his lovemaking.  I do think he adores Martina a lot.  But he needs to show it when he makes love to her.  I think we have seen some improvement; however, is it because he knows Martina has a love interest outside of him?  Does he read our comments?  Who knows.

    Most women love to be cuddled and nurtured after cumming.  Most women actually love to cum too.  Alberto seems to not be sensitive to this.  When you truly love someone, you want to see them orgasm.  You WANT them to be pleasured even more than cumming yourself.  It's the same concept as giving gifts ... you should enjoy giving and want to give to people who you are close with.  We all love getting gifts but we all know the pure joy when you give someone who you love a nice gift.

    Even in FWB scenarios, you have an affection for the other person and want to see them orgasm.  Alberto's lovemaking sometimes falls short of even an FWB arrangement (in my opinion).  If I was Martina I would be totally happy with Alberto having his "own" hobbies, not being employed, going bankrupt, not being super fit, whatever ... all  the things JMAN listed in his rant the other day ... but if I loved him and I knew he loved me ... I would be the happiest girl on earth. 

    Compare Alberto's lovemaking to Masha's beau.  He helped her cum (again!) after he orgasmed ... he cuddled ... he took his time ... he focused on HER pleasure and was rewarded for that by Masha.  Now before I get attacked by those who think Masha likes theatrics, etc.  ... I totally agree.   I am still not clear what is going on between those two ... but it could be a great FWB relationship perhaps.  When Alberto makes love, he seems like he is in a hurry and needs to get to his next appointment.

    My point here is to focus on the lovemaking and sex.  Isn't that the point of RLC?  Yeah yea I know there are those (DD?) who just like seeing good friends having fun etc etc ... but at the end of the day we are not here to watch people playing Cataan or watch the cleaning lady or Boggy cleaning pools.   I think we are here to focus on the sex because we know the sex is DIFFERENT than porn ... but still not as real as what we experience in our own lives.  It's fascinating to watch.  Has anyone noticed that actually watching the actual fucking isn't that exciting as it was when you first joined?  I find myself looking for new twists and new behaviors.

    Anyway I never dreamed I would defend Alberto, but here I am doing a bit of that.


    I agree with you, that when he gets done, he is looking to do what's next on his schedule, and not tending to Martina. They've been together 9/10  years and this isn't new to her. I know it's been reported, that she's talk to him about this. Will it make a difference? Time will tell.

    Good in-depth analysis!

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  2. 21 minutes ago, yelt said:

    I agree with both.. Alberto needs to man up or get kick to the curb. Come on Martina put your foot down and close your legs to Alberto until he straighten's up!!!!!  You got others... Nelly for passion and sex.  Martina has not had sex for 6 days!! When is Nelly back?

    No sex for 6 days! Unless there's a physical reason, with Martina's strong libido,

    she must be ready to climb the walls.😆

  3. 20 minutes ago, jman9212 said:






    jman, I enjoyed the list. The only answer I can come up with is, can a leopard change it's spots? Unfortunately, the answer is NO.

    I liked the two cents. Don't apologize though.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    Thanks jman, helpfull info from you for us who cannot watch the cams so long. 

    I was expecting something like that. The meeting with her school friends yesterday ended relatively early, her day today was rather boring. Like every Saturday, Alberto is out and about on his mountain bike. I don't know if it was agreed that she would go to the party today and that he would come back a little earlier because of the dogs. Otherwise he usually comes back relatively late. Ask me if he's in a club and trains for competitions, otherwise I won't understand these long sessions. I know a couple of friends who have told me that they are totally knocked out after 3-4 hours and they look a little more trained. I understand that she was mad at him because she was home all day and everybody knows how important parties are for her...let's wait and see how things develop....perhaps another brick in the wall ?

    Her insomnia may also be a result of her thinking about some very important decisions to make....only my speculations...

    Nice Pink Floyd reference 👍 Adalbert!

    • Like 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, yelt said:

    You think Martina needs the liquor for courage to get loose? Maybe get lucky with someone other than Alberto? 

    You may be on to something. She always has Alberto, but to fuck someone else,maybe she needs that shot of courage. Assuming she is stepping out with someone else, other than Nelly. I don't think I've ever seen her drink a lot before sex with A.  She does have strong libido.

    I like the way you think.

  6. 22 minutes ago, jman9212 said:

    It's a party tonight for finishing exams. She took the rest of the bottle of wine she got drunk on last night. Still had 3/4 left as they also drank a lot of beer.

    I notice Martina and the word drunk together lately. Plus jman, you just mentioned drank a lot of beer, plus 3/4 bottle of wine. Is this just in reaction to exam pressure, or is she becoming a borderline alcoholic. It will be interesting to see how often she still gets drunk after exams.

    Good observation.


  7. 14 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Getting shit faced once in awhile is just a "crazy night" that you will talk about for the rest of your life.  But two weekends in a row ... first thing you wonder if you are Martina is whether this is a pattern.  And if I am not mistaken, there was a weekday or two when Nelly went berzerk.  Don't think Martina was there but I am assuming they have access to RLC and can see if they want.  If RLC Premium Replay is NOT a perk that they give to their employees ... then this will definitely effect my decision to fly to Barca and apply for a job!!  LOL

    The interesting question to me about Martina is her bisexualilty.  As I increasingly learn the value of a committed relationship like JMAN had with his beloved wife ... dealing with my own regrets and such ... and being bisexual or maybe I should say having been bi ... I think being bi is complex and somewhat problematic philosophically.  I know a lot of people don't agree, but I can accept that two men or two women can have a meaningful lifelong relationship and you can even convince me that they can raise kids successfully and so forth ... all that "love is love and so forth" pablum makes sense logically even though there are a ton of questions around the long term effects on society of families without dads and without moms, etc.

    But if you are bi and want to continue to be bi ... you CANNOT me monogamous.   Unless until someday medicine advances to where one human can have a cock and a pussy and make their own babies!   So how does this work?   We have a US senator from Arizona ... a very conservative state ... that is "openly bi".  I get a kick seeing some people who brag about her being the "first openly bi senator" but she and her people try to hide it because all the conservatives in Arizona -- some who might be tolerant of gay and lesbian couples -- they are not tolerant of polygamy and such.    It's funny to watch all the bullshit posturing.

    So this is what Alberto and Martina have to discuss together.  To me the answer is simple:  THREESOMES!   I know Harley hates that answer but if they truly are committed to each other and love each other and COMMUNICATE, I think they can make it work.  To me the key to the future of society is how we integrate all this newfound sexual liberalism and openness with the important, timeless, and classic values of love and commitment and family ... that have worked so well so long on this planet.

    Oh well.  Enough pontificating!

    Threesomes, I agree. Let's face it Martina is a lot more adventurous than Alberto. Maybe Alberto is just not interested or he has a social hang up about it.

    When we don't speak the language, it makes just observation hard.

    Pontificating isn't that high brow for some on this?😀

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  8. 2 hours ago, yelt said:

    It is no wonder Alberto is not more passionate with Martina after sex.  She gets drunk and seems to be releasing her true inter feelings for Alberto? Somewhat sad but I think Alberto is taking note. One can only stand for that kind of disrespect for so long. I have seen Martina signal to Alberto double middle finger at one of the parties at the Villa.  Childish or do her real feeling come out when she is intoxicated.  Not that it matters to me, I sense she is fucking other guys along with her preference of women, outside of the apartment.  Hopefully it doesn't get her into trouble. As everyone says, she is young, intelligent will always bounce back from any situation or has she had Alberto to help her bounce back? 

    Childish or do her real feeling come out when she is intoxicated.    I've noticed that too. Unless I missed something, when she has sex with Nelly isn't she/both really drunk?  You wonder what they were like during their trip in March. Was it sober sex, or did they have to get drunk?  

    If she passes her exams, I wonder if she & Alberto will move on from RLC; or does she want to be 30 and still be fucking for strangers?

    You make excellent points in your arguments. 

  9. On 7/31/2020 at 9:00 PM, HappyChappie said:

    I'm not getting too much reaction here, how about music from the 80s.


    Originally done by the StrangLoves 1965(I was 11). That candy isn't the sugary kind you put into your mouth, but what's under the sweater. My friends and I used to laugh because we  though we were pulling a fast one on our parents. Remember, I was only 11.

    Good song HappyChappie

    The girl in Bow Wow Wow posed nude on the album cover. The rumor was she was under age. True or not, only speculation.

  10. 2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I don't think Nelly holds a lot of sway over Martina.  For Martina it is great sex.  Of course we can't see or hear all the texting and talking they may do over the phone ... but their relationship seems to have cooled since about two weeks ago when Nelly got shit faced and crazy for the second time and this time Martina did not waste her time comforting her.

    I am one that was in the camp of "Alberto not working hard enough on his relationship with Martina" ... but I will admit these last few weeks I am thinking maybe these two are in better shape than I originally believed.  Their relationship looks to be more solid than I thought.  But clearly Martina is a bisexual with a strong libido and either that has to be curtailed or her and Alberto have to find some accommodation.

    I agree with the "shit face" remark. Sometimes, all one needs is to see that awful side of your significant other to reevaluate.

    I was in your camp about M&A. Maybe he knows the t ide is turning.

    Her libido: he likes to fuck, she REALLY likes to fuck. I've seen her pull out all of the tricks to get to that cock. My all time favorite is still Carla for a high libido.

    And maybe she doesn't want to be Nelly's age, and still be fucking for strangers.

    I like your train of thought!

    • Like 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, jman9212 said:

    I guess I'll add my two cents. I of course don't know anything about Martina's early schooling. I do feel that what she feels now has to do with Alberto and the business venture that failed, but more so RLC. I really don't think she likes what she is doing now. I believe her and A have talked about getting as much money as they can so they can get out with a savings. That can only be done with bonuses plus saving as much monthly money as they can. She has said to her Mom that he takes all the money and puts it away. If she stayed with him through losing a lot of her money in that venture I think they are pretty safe now. 

    I have the video of Nelly, Masha ad Sadie and it just shows me that Nelly just loves sex. Yes so does M. Her relationship with M is lust and will not last. I think that intro to those girls and Nelly drove her to want to work harder in school because she doesn't want to be one of those girls. She is nowhere near the type of girl they are. She talks to her parents almost every night and for a long time. Her and A talk about a family and a "Bambino" and her face just lights up at that time. No longer a RLC person.

    Martina is aiming higher and don't be surprised if Alberto doesn't have something up his sleeve ready when all is said and done. I wish them all the best. 

    If he is benevolent in putting the money away, good for both of them. Maybe that's his forte, finances.  I know he started a company that failed, but at least he tried. Maybe the next one will be a success, who knows. Just read about Henry Ford. 

    I believe you're right, jman, she doesn't want to be 30 and still fucking for strangers. How big of a sway does Nelly hold over her? Time will tell.

  12. 31 minutes ago, yelt said:

    I saw her playing with the harmonica as well and wondered if it might be a sound she likes to hear? There is a lot of great music out there that feature the harmonica. 

    A lot of people like harmonica music, very true.  Will she take it up seriously, who knows? 

    Too bad, she has an affliction to the "tobacco harmonica."

    Nice call, yelt!


  13. 1 hour ago, jman9212 said:

    As always love to hear from you and you excellent views. Before I start I wat to wish a very Happy Mothers Day

    The start of any marriage is the hardest. You are taking two people that fall in love but don't live together then comes the shock of having to put up with the things you didn't see while dating. If get through those first 2 years you are golden. 

    The number one thing I think we both did learn was to stop thinking of yourself all the time. You gotta give a little. These two don't give a inch.

    You are right about the difference in eras. We were married in the 60s. No we have computers and Cell phones which have changed the world entirely and not ALL for the better I think.

    You ask about the kids screaming etc. however there are no children here which is ok but sad. Some of these women have no direction in life and don't seem to care. That is why I like M so much. Not saying she will carrying through but my god after working on her studies as she has I can't believe she would just chuck it.

    Sex was everywhere back then but again we did not have computer and Cell phones and roaming TV reporters showing everything you could ever imagine and some you never wanted to. Even as old as I am I thought I had seen all of the porn I wanted or dared see. Nope, there is some stuff out there I don't want to see at all.

    I'm still holding hope for them. The really do adore each other. She shows it in loving ways more than he. He shows it by protecting her and helping her do what ever she can to get her school work done. He does so much around the house for her. They argue because so much is piled against them with bankruptcy, school, RLC which I think they want out of and finances. Been down most of those roads.

    Till we meet again.

    "RLC which I think they want out of", your point is well taken. RLC seems to be like a drug. These people start young, let others watch their lives, and let others watch them fuck.  Then one day they don't want this anymore, and they're stuck. I keep reading about the vapid lives of some these people in the other apartments because they have no incentive. Maybe Martina and Alberto have an incentive now, if she graduates. But unlike other porn people, I hope they can get employment when they're done. 

    Good observation jjman about the pitfalls being in this business.

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