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Posts posted by Kenpaul

  1. 5 minutes ago, mingo said:

    They're done.. is it time for a smoke? 


    5 minutes ago, mingo said:


    6 minutes ago, mingo said:

    They're done.. is it time for a smoke? 


    7 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    And that was it for this time , a nice escape for both of them . Everyone knows that this is a dead end for both of them and there’s no future , still , it is one of the few “ real life “ things we have happening and the girls deserve the respect for letting themselves loose to live this “ illicit sex affair “ 

    When will be Alberto's passive/aggressive 5 minute, no passion for her, fuck?

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    and the times i have watched them lately he always takes her from behind  and i used the expression before that it looked like he was grudge fucking her and just gets it over as fast as he can for himself and leaves her to masturbate  so maybe he has some underlying problem with Martinas relationship with Nelly and he is just putting on a happy face 

    I agree. Despite other people, it seems there is an underlying problem with M's relationship with Nelly for A.  Also, it seems Martina's sex drive is higher than A. So maybe, poor dick sex is better than nothing since she can't see Nelly 24/7.

  3. 2 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

    really only five minutes and the other last 2 times i seen them have sex he lasted 7 and 8 minutes now 5 minutes this time and Martina is left to finish for herself he is not even trying to get her off anymore he treats her like a wham bam thank you mam and is off to the other room is he trying to lose her

    Wham bam, thank you mam! Good early 70s David Bowie reference.

    I agree with you something's off.

    • Like 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, michaels4444 said:

    well just now "speedy" Stifler, slam bam his girl again, she tried to get him to slow down , he did not so 2 minutes later he finished and she did not look satisfied afterwards, girl are suppose to look satisfied not frustrated...

    Maybe Stifler and Alberto are twin brothers from different mothers.😀😀

  5. 5 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I agree that Martina seems to be more excited and fascinated each and every time she visits the villa . I think it has to do with the atmosphere , with the girls that are mostly her age and they can speak about women things , she also practices her Russian that she currently loves to do , let’s say that she has many reasons wanting  to be there more often , it is like she loves this RLC world that the girls in the villa have and I believe she also enjoy the  friendship with the other girls ( I can for sure tell she was also impressed by Masha ) . 

    As a final comment , no matter how hard it might sound , I think that she now feels “ trapped “ needing to spend so many hours of doing absolutely nothing in her apartment with Alberto when she could be in the villa , chat with the girls , dance , sing , just fool around and why not ? If chances and circumstances allow , have her crazy sex with Nelly . I don’t think she knows that all these are current even more hidden desires and once she tastes them all in a maximum way , she will get bored most probably , but at the moment , the villa is where she feels like more “ home “ . 

    Last but not least , we need to remember that this won’t be lasting long , as soon as this cast is gone , it won’t be easy to develop this kind of connection like she has now with Holly / Megan / Gina . I guess she maybe then trying to enjoy the most that she can because sooner or later , part of the cast will be gone . 

    I know Covid plays a big part, but I've read she's been with Alberto for 9/10 years, and now she's discovering a wild and sexy world that she never had.

    Good insight!

  6. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Let me put it to you this way KP.....if you are a person that is loose with your body, loves booze & drugs, wouldn't you be a person that would be happier in B4....B4 = Drug House/Fake House/Flop House!!!

    Point taken. Goes to show, you don't have to be a homely girl to fuck yourself up for the long run. Give her ten years, she'll look like she's in he forties instead of thirties. 

    Great point.




    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    I agree with you. I don't say she is better or worse. But this is not her world! 

    Nature and nurture. The old question whether a person's life is more determined by our genes or our environment. Although we now know that our genes probably play the major part we must admit that our lives are strongly influenced by the people we meet, work with, talk and listen to. Martina' present acquaintances are definitely not the best choice. 

    What I meant by the wrong apartment was Martina and Alberto together. She looked so content with the Villa girls. Is she realizing she could be happier? Who knows, not we.

    Ever since the discovery of genes, the nature vs. nurture argument rages on.

    Thanks for taking an interest!

  8. 22 minutes ago, Scottish Republic said:

    So it seems that super-charged Taco has been getting up to mischief lately; no surprises there, I've always said that dog was out of control.  His latest piece of handiwork, the sofa, took a chunk out of it - unacceptable behaviour!  He's destroying M&A's home - hey!  I thought that was Nelly's job. Time to ship the little bugger off to canine bootcamp; they won't be long in teaching him some discipline and respect for other people's property.  BTW, what the hell is he doing running around in that blue wooly-jumper thingy 🤣 It can't be THAT cold in Barcelona, they're far enough south in Europe?  Is he wearing it for a bet, or what? 🤣.  I shall be monitoring his modus operandi over the coming weeks, for signs of behavioural improvement. 🧐 

    "I thought that was Nelly's job."  Great line! 

    Barcelona 12c or 53f temp. approximately.


    • Haha 3
  9. 3 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    Thank you DDHM.  You may be right and we may never know.  I read what you said and I hear you.  I feel sad for these two. 

    EDIT TO ADD:  BTW it’s not just the sex.  The cuddling seems forced.  The quick kisses Alberto gives her seem like he’s trying too hard.  Martina rubbing up against him do not seem genuine.  What was with the mattress last night ... they at least used to cuddle on the sofa.  Watch Martina being playful with Nelly and compare that to her playfulness with Alberto.

    Lastly I say all of this and will also say we are being brutal to Alberto.  There is no excuse for his behavior but also these things are really hard and complex.  He IS a great guy ... no doubt ... but even great guys and great girls lose their mates.

    I agree, something has changed in the negative. I used to enjoy watching them together on the couch. Now it seems he plays games and sleeps on the couch sometimes bed  She goes to bed with her laptop. When they do sleep together, you could put the two dogs between them. If you can see older clips, it's like watching a completely different couple. Is this a case, we made a commitment to RLC and now we're stuck? 

    Jennifermom, I think you're on to something!

  10. 46 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    again what a stud last time he took 7 minutes and this time was 6 minutes oh have to add a whole minute eating pussy and add another minute for getting his dick sucked cant forget those 2 minutes of foreplay and both times he took her from behind and he never looked her in the face in what looks like grudge fucking, i really dont know how Nelly will ever hope to compete with a sexual dynamo like him 🤣


    I agree with you. You call it revenge fuck; I call it cum dumping, same thing.

    Something is not right here in Alberta's fucking of Martina. It goes beyond the fact that they're together 10 years. Older clips don't bear that out. He used to be much more attentive. Nine minutes is no excuse, just because you've been with someone for a long time. Again, Bogan and Tibor, they put the time and energy in.

    Good observation!

    • Like 4
  11. 57 minutes ago, pifflebunk said:

    Did Alberto bother to make her cum? or did he just leave her unsatisfied on the bed like usual? after he shot his load.  Another nail in the coffin of their relationship if he did. 


    As you know Alberto is not the greatest lover, Bogdan or Tibor come to mind as opposites to Alberto, today's was fairly quick. It started in the bathroom and ended in the bedroom. Few minutes later, he was dressed in the living room with Taco, she was again curled up on the bed.

    In English,  we have a term called "Cum Dump". This is when a man has little or no feelings towards the woman, and he just uses her as a live masturbation device.  It seems that some of that may be going on here. Is it connected to Nelly, or is Alberto that unaware of a woman's sexual needs and desires?  Who knows, I can't read minds or speak the language.

    Excellent observation!


    • Like 1
  12. 52 minutes ago, DidiHamann said:

    Are you monogamous? How many people have you had sex with? If it's more than one then you haven't mated for life, you're a serial monogamist. As in, you're monogamous with one partner after another.

    I think it's something like 27% of Westerners have experience in a consenting non-monogamous relationship, so it's not like it's a rare occurrence.

    It seems a serial monogamist is akin to a woman is a little bit pregnant.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Scottish Republic said:


    ** I'd say the Bogdan/Nelly relationship is solid (very).

    I don't have a sub either (nor do I want one), it of course means that we don't see everything, which is maybe just as well for we sensitive souls - B4, girls licking each other's genitals, no thanks 🤮

    Maybe for the girls, it's like the old joke, once you get passed the smell you've got her licked!😆

    • Haha 2
  14. 56 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    Dear Kenpaul, 

    I remember I once confessed to you that I was no native speaker, but what I write here are my original words. I used to live in Scotland in the late 1990s for about 2 years when I worked for a big German company as a mathematician. And my British girlfriends were not only sexually but also linguistically a real challenge. 

    Your English is very good. Keep at it. It will only improve!

  15. 7 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    It appears you are evaluating based on whether a couple has cheated.  But this doesn't account for "open relationships".  How would you evaluate Carlos & Claire?  Are they solid?

    Perhaps another way to distinguish is whether the couple is committed to each other or whether it is a sort of "friends with benefits" arrangement.  I think this is the question about Martina & Alberto.  And I would put Anthony & Lorraine perhaps in the same category and possibly Bogdan and Nelly.   I am NOT saying these couples are not committed.  We are speculating and exploring and sharing observations here.

    Please, refer to my comment about moral relativism.

  16. Leaving moral relativism aside, including the participants, and we as the voyeurs, is it safe to look at the 4 couples relationship?

    Linda & Tibor: solid

    Kitty & Smith: solid

    Miru & Dantez  : quirky but solid

    Martina & Alberto: ???? I know she supposedly tells him everything, but fucking a woman (opposed to another man) is still stepping our from your commitment to your partner.

    Maybe there should be an asterisk (*) next to M&A on the RLC listing.

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