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Everything posted by nack

  1. LOL..i am getting strain in my eyes watching the 'part' of TV.That angle cant be more wrong.
  2. Hey Brox,How are you man ? Haven't seen you in a long time.Been busy..haa
  3. Lol..good posts meran.'They' are probably worried and unhappy that the 'top secret' info that they guard and keep close to their heart has been 'leaked' here.I love 'them' being rattled. Oh..poor cry babies..someone else also found out.
  4. Good Morning Folks !! After going through all the pages,I understand that Sara poured beer over Mira. Question is, What happened afterwards ? Did she react at all ?
  5. nack

    Tula - Split 4

    @sat11 thank you for REC
  6. Alright Amy,Here you go Candy Shower - 13:53 - 13:59 6 Some - 14:00 - 14:41 (Living Room) Dana Rex leave at 14:35 Candy Dean Anna Alex - 14:48 - 15:28 (Living Room) Dana Rex Marathon - 14:36 - 18:01 (Anna Alex Bedroom) The End !!
  7. Ok guys..got to go for a bit.Jabbath pls create momens for EVERYTHING good. See ya all in a bit !!
  8. Where did this happen ? In LR ,BR ,Kitchen ,Bath..in short did you create moments or should i dig in ?
  9. If Anna and Alex are the only ones that fucked then i did not miss much.I have zero interest of seeing them together.Anna got dp'd in VV too.How about the other couples ? Was there a full swap ? BTW Thanks for the info chicago515.
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