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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. A part le fait qu'il n'y a pas eu de manifestation pro-ukrainienne, je sais tout le reste, mais aujourd'hui à partir de 14h30 où est allée elle?
  2. I don't know what happened but Holly hasn't been back to the Villa for two days
  3. I like Radi, concrete, sincere and spontaneous, as well as obviously beautiful, but it cannot be denied that she is very extravagant and sometimes "strange"
  4. Someone had posted the photo of the girls with Rus at the peace rally but the photo is gone, is it possible to get it back? Thank you
  5. Someone had posted the photo of the girls with Rus at the peace rally but the photo is gone, is it possible to get it back? Thank you
  6. Someone had posted the photo of the girls with Rus at the peace rally but the photo is gone, is it possible to get it back? Thank you
  7. It is true that Tweety has spent 40 days of crazy love, and who knows what else, but it is equally true that I see her as "small", almost innocent. What a fool I am
  8. Good idea, although I still don't trust Radi. Too weird, too extravagant
  9. God, I've been here for two years, I don't know these stories
  10. If you allow this it worries me, Tweety is not "big" like Radi, I would rather know he was with Holly but I think Radi managed to break their relationship.
  11. Alana, on the other hand, was fucking great, I saw some videos. I would love to see the two of them
  12. Of course Kristy is looking for Alana's hands with her ass movements, she's the one who can't decide
  13. IO avevo capito diversamente dallo spagnolo però potrei sbagliare tanto a un certo punto nessuno capiva più niente perchè tutti guardavano Cleo
  14. Beh, questa sera si può evitare di guardare B2, non succederà nulla di stravagante
  15. LUi sperava di adescare Alana per il suo amico arrivato ultimo ed è riuscito a perderle tutte due
  16. Questa sera Cleo può bere tranquillamente, niente maschi in casa
  17. IO, se deve dare un voto da 1 a 10 a Holly ....... voto 12
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