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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Sometimes I don't understand Radi. What do you find in Fiora to get involved in her vulgar and offensive games of her dignity as a woman? and then I wonder if anyone has news of Cecilia, what happened to her?
  2. I certainly lost something because I didn't follow Leora at one time but I didn't know Malia was married
  3. But will it really be the true story? Do we have confirmation from some other source? and then I missed something but ................... who is LB or is home?
  4. How do you know all these things? And if you have heard their dialogues then you will also know where Zena has ended up, without hypotheses but with certainties
  5. So nothing is ever more RLC? I'm sorry and maybe I'm not the only one
  6. Do you say it for sure or is it a guess?
  7. I have been following Leora for 1 month, before I did not like and I did not like Malia. I find the simplicity of Zena very stimulating and I begin to understand Leora. I have already said that I believe in a good story between the two of them
  8. I was struck by how today Zena undressed in the room without embarrassment and how simple she is in the bathroom
  9. Zena is cooked to perfection, just pick up the pan and serve. Leora is in no hurry not to rush the stages. But ............. what if she asked to sleep together?
  10. But then she washed her hands, I don't see anything wrong with that
  11. Zena is a fantastic girl, beautiful despite acne, beautiful body and right from the start she proved to be in the same wavelength as Leora. Leora considers her important and makes her feel important. I am convinced that a great story will be born between them even if I don't understand what they say but the body language speaks for them.
  12. Oui, mais hier soir Zena est arrivée avec Leora qui ce soir est déjà à la maison
  13. Well, yes, it is Italian to Italian, I would eat pasta for breakfast as well 😁😁😁😜😜
  14. If he eats pasta now he doesn't have to go to dinner
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