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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I say Daniel molested Hooly and took her against her will but during the previous stay, not this time. I have not seen Fior
  2. In fact, not even I noticed that Fior and Holly in the tub, among other things, were dressed in bathing suits. But I can always be wrong
  3. Sorry, when would he finger her in the tub? but yes, Fior is the village idiot, don't you understand yet?
  4. Ok, if he will be there I'll turn off the PC because we won't see anything else besides drunk. If there are boys the girls do not strip together, they only do it in their rooms to fuck but I doubt it will happen when there is so much confusion
  5. And let's hope somebody doesn't invite Daniel if you mean the blond / white / dumb drug addict and alcoholic
  6. She was in bed with her red dressing gown, put on a coat and with the phone in her hand, she went up to the hidden floor. I am tired of the rooms without cam
  7. It will be true but there are no males and by males I certainly do not mean Fior or Bogdan
  8. 21:09:43 pm I look carefully at Holly and notice that she has bigger breasts, widened hips and maybe a little belly and I remember that since the return of the holidays I have not seen her use tampons for the extrual cycle: what about it? of you?
  9. I was curious to see the likes on the girls, which is the most sought after, the most seen, the most admired, practically the most followed. Thank you
  10. Do you remember Holly's first time with Bruno in Valerie's room? While they were still in LR Holly stroked Bruno's hair and then what we know happened. Tonight Holly did the same with Fior, who knows ..............
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