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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. LUi sperava di adescare Alana per il suo amico arrivato ultimo ed è riuscito a perderle tutte due
  2. Questa sera Cleo può bere tranquillamente, niente maschi in casa
  3. IO, se deve dare un voto da 1 a 10 a Holly ....... voto 12
  4. hai ragione, un pisciate nel lavandino😁😁😁
  5. What do you mean by good? In the presence of Karol no asses and tits are seen and then Rus is also present so ....... great food and nothing more
  6. If he does what he wants but doesn't break the balance at home with his bullshit, we don't need it. The situation is bad enough without his help
  7. He is packing his bags on his own initiative, maybe he really goes away
  8. She has been closed in the Villa for too long, tensions with Antonio have not helped her. And most likely she misses a male, certain that the reaction gesture was very, very bad as well as dangerous.
  9. Tweety smiled at Olivia but I think she was mad at Radi Tweety smiled at Olivia but I think she was mad at Radi
  10. Has Loraine gone out of her mind? She is packing her bags, maybe that's why she's angry
  11. I remember well then and I always hoped to see her again, she seemed so young and inexperienced but from what I read today I was certainly wrong 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
  12. In December 2019 this Beatrice was Loraine's guest in B2 in the same room as today and one night she played some really interesting games with her. She was a few pounds less
  13. New girl (?) In B2, do you know her? Reminds me of someone I've seen before
  14. Could Adam understand that he was in the wrong house?
  15. I'd be overjoyed just to get rid of Daniel the drug addict drunk
  16. Anyone know what happened to Fiora that I saw Harley and Olivia almost cry?
  17. Beyond the freedom of speech which I do not want to discuss, keep in mind that he loudly declared the address of the apartment for the taxi driver, this is also very serious for the safety of the girls
  18. Does Naga tell me you have the videos of Alana's bates? I have recently registered and have not seen them, could I get them from you? A thousand thanks
  19. This message was for nagachilli2-----Se è vero che hai le bates di Alana mi piacerebbe averle, amo il suo corpo e vorrei vederlo vibrare bene
  20. If it is true that you have Alana's bates I would like to have them, I love her body and I would like to see it vibrate properly
  21. What to say? Hope is always the last to die, never say never 😋😋😋😋
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