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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. Forget it, they know it but the important thing is to speak badly of Karma. They never complained when others went there and recently, several times, Aziza
  2. You're the usual......, Karma always asks Sara's permission to use the bathroom (which isn't Sara's but belongs to everyone) asking what time she would be back. As for food, get better suggestions because yesterday too Tantra arrived with a bag of cans and two bags of food as well as a suitcase for himself. This means he doesn't eat for free so you and your long-nosed friend where you can swing will have to put up with it for three days............ or if you don't like it, look at some other apartment. Maybe Linda and Tibor
  3. The wasted evening was last night because of that asshole pig. It was Karma and Sara's evening. Karma was on fire yes but he wasn't monitoring the boys, he was waiting for Sara who, weak as she is, she didn't get rid of the pig. As long as she is dating Chris Karma she will not have sex with other males.
  4. Sara has realized that she is isolated but doesn't understand why, clearly because she is brainless
  5. Let's hope that the unhappy man has many friends in Barcelona to visit and that they are not B1, where the girls are sad, or B2
  6. Marillyn and Madison massage sitting in the bathroom. Excellent choice to avoid the intrusion of the unhappy man groping observer
  7. Aziza and Karma and Nadia are on holiday like many others for which they are not to blame. RLC may ban holidays
  8. Maybe it is enough to chase away the two idolaters?
  9. From Sara's expression I would say that she already knows everything that has happened and is happening. Who knows if she will still believe in ................
  10. Don't worry, before Sara arrives she will allow him everything
  11. Of course yes but there are two different truths ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  12. I correct you. First of all, I don't understand why what other people think is never good for you if it's not the same thing you think. As you implied that Sara had thrown the pig's clothes and backpack to the wind (politely without throwing the backpack so as not to ruin the computer) it's not okay if I imply that the pig went to Numi's bed. Second: I was bad even before the pig arrived and in particular with Daytona which I nicknamed "the tick" because I was always stuck (do you remember or do you only remember what is convenient for you?). Third, I got angry when the pig started being a pig, not when he and Karma arrived, until the pig arrived I wasn't angry, Accept it for once. But can you imagine the big laughs that those who read all your posts that give me the opportunity to reply in every way are having? Congratulations, keep it up. Hello sweet cheeks, I love you ๐Ÿ˜˜
  13. I will never ignore you, I want to watch over you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  14. For starters, let's say I've never put you on "ignore", you're as funny as your friend. Secondly, at 6.00 am Barcelona time I wake up so I saw everything live and not the jerky replays like you will do or like those who tell you what you have to write do. Have the courtesy to be correct in what you write and don't make things up
  15. With sausages and salamis do you know how much money to pay the rent?
  16. The fact that they then fucked because Sara is stupid doesn't justify the fact that your funny guy is acting like a Pig. You always tell half the things you see: the Pig went to Numi's bed, drunk and fell asleep immediately, and when Sara went to call him....... that was his reaction, in my opinion also too weak, she should have thrown him out of the house but we all know how stupid Sara is. But excuse me, why don't you follow your logic and ignore my childish comments? Or do they strike your pride?
  17. As usual you don't read what I write. I wrote that the guilty person demands an apology for which it is clear that he reacted to an action that is the result of a fault. But it was almost not worth answering you, I'm only doing it out of coherence and self-respect. With your nose you could make a swing on it and let that other child who comes behind you play
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