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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. In my humble opinion it is one of the best films about a lesbian relationship
  2. How strange, last night I saw Karma return to B2 and when she undressed she still had the same clothes she left in, she didn't have the toiletries or anything to wear around the house which Aziza lent her instead. Didn't you go to fuck like a maniac somewhere yesterday?
  3. Very sorry that there is no reason to speak badly of Aziza?
  4. Pay less attention to Karma and your lies will be less serious. I already told you, I will never put ignore on your profile, you are too funny to blame
  5. But Xarvas never misses an opportunity to tell lies (his view of the facts) and discredit Karma in any way and at any time. Faced with the evidence of the facts, he never apologizes
  6. She stopped in B7 for the time to retrieve the charger and play with the dog for three minutes, then she left
  7. I really don't understand the presumption of knowing what you can't see and what you aren't told. Have you heard of sex? Did they come away stoned? None of us know the causes, the only thing we can say is that they are stoned drunks when we see them well. However, if you think it's okay like this, I'll have my say and you can have yours too
  8. You didn't see them, they didn't tell you, so it's just guesswork
  9. Could it be that you wrote in another forum and we couldn't read it?
  10. Why do I have to ignore if I enjoy the witty things you write so much? Isn't the spirit of this forum to help each other? You write witty things and I laugh, better than that1!! However I remind you that you talked twice about Dylan and once about the cream spread by Aziza, don't start with the lies because you have never talked about cooking in the last 14 hours
  11. You will never change, the stupid ones are always others
  12. """""Consiglio agli amanti del gossip di ascoltare cosa si dicono Daytona e Karma quando Aziz esce dalla cucina alle 23:40...""""" Check what you write, but maybe it's not your fault. Does the translator confuse him/her and perhaps confuse day/night?
  13. Before you get it wrong again I'll tell you that your favorite anteater fucked Nadia in LR and not Karma, never mind
  14. If you want to talk about gossip, make sure you mention the right people, Daytona spoke to Dayana and not to Karma who, unlike what you see, had left to go to her room at 11.15pm without going out again. Congratulations again but first tell me what you watch when you are in RLC
  15. I was joking when I said it was Karma's fault (it's become the main sport here to blame Karma) that the antman from B7 forgot the bathtub with the taps open
  16. I keep wondering what you watch when you're in RLC. No one has ever said that you "have" to have sex and Ottavia naively confessed it the other evening, If it had been written in the contract she would not have accepted (these are words of hers that many people have heard). Can you explain to me why you continue to distort the things you write? Do you really have a prompter who plays bad jokes on you?
  17. Maxbel was obviously joking but he would have to pay the bill for any damages
  18. With all the energy he expended in 7 minutes the food is more than deserved
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