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Everything posted by poncherello

  1. I believe Karma considers Aziza too young and still immature, making Aziza unreliable. I'm not sure if you're right but I doubt Karma will ever get involved in romantic relationships with anyone again. Aziza is a good and faithful companion but nothing more
  2. Maybe it's all wrong but I seem to have understood, from the little that the translator helped me with, that Sara reproached Karma for something, saying in the end that she has always been positive. I repeat, everything could be wrong and only Wafercop or Amiya can help us. There was too much background noise and the atmosphere was cold, I would say frozen No hugs but a simple good morning
  3. Good excuse for not being able to criticize, already from the way he mixes the pasta with the wooden spoon it is clear that he only knows how to cook......... eat
  4. A big bullshit that fortunately the Russians eat, who know what they are doing, otherwise in Italy they would have kicked him in the ass. He diluted the ricotta with water, prepared bundles of bread dough to make a good impression, things that in Italy make the Zulus shudder and he abounded in chilli pepper and other herbs, perhaps marjoram, to hide the bad tastes
  5. AT this moment he surpasses Sara in intelligence, only at this moment anyway
  6. Azziza is in LR and the Greedy, insatiable, devouring, hungry, greedy is in B7
  7. Why does he want it back? has she ever had it?
  8. There is no point in hiding it, Karma remained at home for the two weeks and with his presence he guided her on a more peaceful path. It may be negative for some, but the presence of Karma is reassuring for everyone. I hope she never leaves even though she is the fate of all the tenants
  9. I believe that Sara's outing today (certainly not for food shopping as I had said) will bring us some surprises and I also believe that she will return with Karma, without any other intrigues. I also believe that Sara will not make life easy for I.........e
  10. I'm glad you think so, when I define Daytona as immature I'm referring to the lack of vision of her actions in not understanding that many times she has to leave the field free (this is why she once had a nickname that I gave her if you remember, I called her mint) . I won't add anything else because I don't know her but I think the other girls have accepted her and consider her a good point of reference
  11. In my opinion it is just immature, I don't want to express any judgment on the rest because I believe that everyone is free to choose their own life direction and sexual tendency. If he is convinced I am happy for him/her
  12. I'm glad, I've never used drugs either except the cigarettes I smoked until 1998. From time to time plenty of good Italian or French wine and cognac
  13. I'm sorry to read that you take drugs and I hope it's a joke
  14. It's okay so there are two girls, Aziza is at home. Otherwise I wouldn't have allowed myself to intervene
  15. How can you say "finally"? This is NOT okay, if they don't fuck they aren't worth the money we pay, if they aren't depraved and perverted we don't have fun, If the girls say no they are prostitutes and if they say yes they are blessed by heaven. Don't you value these things? 😂😂😂😂
  16. Von den Tüten, die sie mitgebracht hat, glaube ich, dass sie einkaufen gegangen ist, um Vorräte zu essen, denn wenn das Karma zurückkommt, wird auch der gierige, unersättliche Gierfresser von B7 zurückkommen Dalle borse che ha portato con se credo sia andata a fare la spesa, rifornimenti da mangiare perchè se rientra karma rientrerà pure il divoratore ingordo insaziabile goloso di B7
  17. I really hope not but unfortunately I think I'm wrong, she's certainly with him but I hope he won't be seen in the villa again
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