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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. You mean those speculating that the speculation is nothing more than members being speculative
  2. CRIKEY! Esmi has overdosed on fake tan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Shit, he must have been quick as it was literally 30 seconds before he put his dick in her, she put it on the bedside draws & disposed of it after they had finished fucking
  4. H o t s c o p e s lately has been very quick in put recent videos up
  5. I think she may have already been oh her period because she pulled her tampon out so Alberto could fuck her
  6. Bonnie (Not Holly) Facefuck for ratman1313 (Bonnie and Rama hot fuck and facefuck in the shower) (Contents No Longer Available)
  7. FFS give it up 🤦‍♂️ ps: this is not a question, you don't need to respond, I call a truce
  8. Probably because there is no suitable location to mount it, also it may give away the building location in the only suitable position
  9. Masha is much more adventurous & kinkier
  10. Absolutely there is no more to say, there was nothing to say in the beginning, why won't you let go!!!!!!!!!
  11. I don't like all your posts because some become quite long winded & couldn't be bothered reading
  12. Leora was up, now back in bed, she took her T-Shirt off
  13. IRMA was one of the best tenants during her previous stay , indeed in current Marlene’s room Is Pam Greek?
  14. Read the last 2 pages & you will have an answer
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