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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. I'm liking that Zabava is relaxed enough here at B4 to walk around the villa topless
  2. I thought the other way, transitioning from Female to Male
  3. Definitely Valerie & Juliette
  4. Ah, I take it all with a grain of salt You replied to Steve, not Jimbo
  5. I don't think Mat could do Russ, but most definitely Russ would hammer Mat
  6. Control A (select all), Control C (copy), Control V (paste)
  7. I wonder whom will be the target for the Predators tonight?
  8. RLC needs to get a gardener to clean up the back yard, it's a disgrace, or at least get Bogan a mower & whipper snipper
  9. Daniel would target anything with 2 or 4 legs
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