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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. "great sex" ??? how do you work that out.
  2. With a score of 26:29 it was very unlikely to be soccer/football
  3. Who is the girl in silver pants in the kitchen now? I no longer have a sub.
  4. She wore transparent white at the party a couple of days ago
  5. Did plenty of oral & daytime with Gypsy on her last stay. This is same boyfriend (Gypsy)
  6. Except for Yana without the Da or Ul
  7. She's just a little bit overdressed
  8. Harley needs to introduce Zabava to some GG loving.
  9. It's sad that you are such a narrow minded, vindictive & opinionated person, you stay behind your keyboard wanking & sucking your thumb
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