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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Plenty of buttplug action, but seems to shy away from anal
  2. Yes, on her last stay she bought a rabbit, but never used it
  3. 7.5 ROTFLMAO 🤣 She is lucky to be a 5, she's an alcoholic, a lousy fuck & needs to learn how to suck cock, off course Pepik could do better
  4. Really, she doesn't deserve Pepik, he should kick her out & find someone better
  5. Who's the big girl in the kitchen???? with Neytiri and a bloke.
  6. You might not understand English, but I bet you understand "Stop making up names fore participants that only you know who you are talking about!"
  7. The highlight of Luna's last stay was when she told the other girls that she tried anal sex for the 1st time the night before (off camera).
  8. That's all she has to show off! She's like a Pirates treasure >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sunken chest
  9. You are quick, I realised after I posted & deleted my comment 🤣
  10. Born with a dick, has a dick, she is a he, at best a shim.
  11. No he wasn't, he had no idea what he was talking about
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