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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. She wasn't useless when she had Gypsy hanging around. She is now single again.
  2. Definitely Daytona, shim would be experienced giving butt injections 😁
  3. Holly came back chasing Thor, she wasn't part of the program until RLC moved her & Thor into a new apartment for them.
  4. I think you are right, I would give her $100 if she let me piss on her face
  5. Samantha was recently an addition with Dasha & Sasha, her room mates were Angie (now downstairs from Dasha & Sasha) & Emily. All the Russian apartments were shut down, it wasn't because someone put out an address online.
  6. Shim would be an expert at injecting his arse with her needle
  7. Scarlett is a great example of the "Girl Next door" type.
  8. Nah, everyone realises this 2nd stay that she's a do nothing, so don't bother with her.
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