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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Massi & Ney on the couch in the LR (Not to be confused with a LV) being boring
  2. They aren't boyfriends, they are Pimps who have sold their girls to RLC
  3. Best version is Dolly & Miley Miley & Noah cover Jolene And an absolute classic Dolly with Olivia Newton-John
  4. I'm there, I'll invite you all to the wedding!
  5. It was just a question DF! Stop trying to twist your response
  6. I'm not crying Mr Stalker, you are suffering Butthurt big time!
  7. See below Both of you are as dumb as each other, it's not about accomplishments or recognition, it's about promoting the benefits of joining the "PREMIUM" area, promotion of this little used CamCaps area
  8. I only belittle morons like you, you are just not smart enough to realise what is happening, even the Stalker is setting you up.
  9. Interesting thing is we joined very near each other & your greatest accomplishment is 21,000+ posts of nothing, your main aim appears to be to get that count up with meaningless posts & comments.
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