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Everything posted by Pete1960

  1. Dejavu You said the same about Shantal & her tents You said the same about ............................. You said the same about ............................. You said the same about ............................. You said the same about ............................. You said the same about ............................. You said the same about .............................
  2. You mean to say your wife doesn't have sex toys????? Leora's toys are tools of the trade, she uses them as part of her employment.
  3. As expected, a childish response, grow up!
  4. Let's get down to facts, Paul is fucking Leora, Leora is fucking Paul, you peeps are NOT fucking Leora, so stop carrying on like jealous fools, I'm sure if Leora was dissatisfied with her relationship with Paul it wouldn't be happening, time for you to all get over it & accept Leora's choices.
  5. 😂 😂 😂 LOL I can relate to that, I think I was all of 10 years old & used to play gynecologist with the girl up the road, she would play nurse & return the favour with a happy ending!
  6. Now they are sensible likely scenarios, unlike the other blokes fantasies
  7. No, it's the opposite for @corvette08 he cums in 30 seconds when wanking, so long bates are useless to him 😁
  8. Blast from the past Irma with Gina and Babi bating with vibes (Content No Longer Available)
  9. Please don't post pictures of yourself, it's against group rules.
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