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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 21 minutes ago, Mark Thompson said:

    I'm not so impressed with all that ...it's always hot and  heavy and interesting the first few times  pant pant... but give Martina  and Nell 5, 7 , years and see how 'moved' they are about their lovemaking ...

    Always find there "love making" is a bit one sided nelly quite happy lie back and take it but not give it back a bit on the lazy side in my opinion, but don't get me wrong i definitely love watching them go hard at it, but as has been said i cant work out there partners theyre either blind or stupid or the girls wear the trousers in the house and the guys just do as they are told  

  2. 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    The only thing I blame Alberto for, is staying with her.  If I was in his shoes, I would have been off to bigger and better things instead of living with a cheater!!

    that's what I don't get the fact she is cheating on him she maybe thinks that because she's doing it with another female makes it ok, don't forget maybe it turns Alberto on but he's never going to be part of it that's for sure, hes just in the way now 

  3. 12 hours ago, panther73 said:

    At approx. 12:40-1:05 Alberto was on the balcony.  Martina appeared to be returning a text.  She looked at a couple of guys and then several pictures of what looked like her.  Appeared as though she may have sent hers.  Not nudes! I can't zoom in and she was very quick.  Kitty.2.0?   

    maybe shes using Tinder

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