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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 7 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    Looks like @omedo The Translator got it wrong again...😏

    did you not basically say to give the translators a break about 4-5 pages back, going back you do like wee dig at them there's so many two faced f*****s on this forum don't mind dishing it as long as its them and no one else dishing it. and the amount of people with Martina tinted glasses that you dare say anything against the girl that you get chastised for it, my god you would think most of you had a room at her apartment and she tells you everything. Then theres the ones that actually make up scenarios I mean seriously what's that all about some people really need to get out more my god theres actually someone on here that can tell you when her periods are due even paparazzi dont stoop that low. Rant Over i presume theres going to be back lash for me here but hey ho load your guns im a big boy now i can take  it 

  2. 1 hour ago, philo said:

    So does Nelly being gone from RLC mean that she is no longer available to Martina? Could it be that Nelly's departure actually solves their problem? Have there been any new trusted translations that declare that when Martina comes home before dawn looking like she was rode hard and put up wet, that she was with none other than her classmates? Inquiring minds want to know.

     Who's to say that Nelly doesn't have a flat/house within distance of where Martina stays it could be very convenient, in my opinion for a couple who were going at it big time each time they met there affair frizzled out a bit too easily so they could still be seeing each other whos to say except the speculators  

  3. 2 hours ago, albundy1089 said:

    I think it's against the rules to post a logical explanation for her behavior. Since she leaves at the same time every Friday and returns at the same time every Saturday morning, it couldn't possibly be something she is scheduled for.🤨.

    it could well be that she has a bar job in a club and by they have a staff drink it would probably account for the time she arrives home  

  4. 2 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    Thought:  what would happen if Alberto objected to Martina's night time / early morning partying? What if he said ... no. 


    he'll not say no lets face it Martinas his meal ticket. But I do wonder if he actually likes her going with other people (if she does), but she's definitely not going down to the supermarket dressed the way she does my thoughts is she is/was seeing someone else lets face it she has a large sex drive and Alberto doesn't really keep up with her  and as for her going out all night if she was my partner id be having strong words  

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  5. 2 hours ago, omedo said:

    you will be happy because you will be able to take your imagination to the limit and speculate whatever you want.

    don't give me that shit you've never heard me speculate because I don't treat any of them as real they're people on the other side of the screen to me as far as I'm concerned. the amount of people on here that think they are best buddies with all of them is I'm afraid quite worrying, and as far as as the translators people will believe what the want to believe and im not saying they are telling untruths im saying who really knows. It take a lot to wind me but you managed it well done plonker 

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