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A Gid Scots Laddie

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Posts posted by A Gid Scots Laddie

  1. 8 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    I am vaccinated and there have been times I do not feel well enough but I still go out and about.  I have no other choices available to me.  I would not know if I do have it or not I have never been tested for it.  

    totally irresponsible if you dont feel well take the test 😱🤡 no excuses for your behaviour 



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  2. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    If she has been vaccinated no need to stay indoors. 

    how do you come by that piece of nonsense information, the vaccination only stops you getting covid or omicron really bad it can actually keep you alive with the two injections and a ooster  but if you have it you can spread it to others i would have thought after 2 years you would have known how it works you must stay indoors if you have the symptoms 

  3. 39 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    effectively for Martina, it seem to me that the "look" of other guy doesn't really matter, for her, it just the feeling of sexual attraction and another penis to enjoy for HER fun. When you look when Alberto fuck her, she is well concentrated on her enjoyment. And at any time, she just masturbate freely anywhere in the house because there no penis available at that moment even if Alberto is there, he is not available, We know that Alberto has a lot to do. My boyfriend can stop anything is doing at the moment I have the special 'look' at him..... well almost always

    Yes Martina, have all the fun you want. Go ! Girl ! 

    I'm of the conclusion that she definitely loves sex with male or females and if she was at a club she would almost certainly disappear into the club toilet with whoever takes her fancy hey ho we've probably all done it at some time. but as we in Scotland she loves to suck on the boaby 


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  4. 39 minutes ago, yelt said:
    2 hours ago, Kenpaul said:

    Be very skeptical of Covid death reports. Does someone die because of Covid or with Covid?  There is a difference.  It seems that the government isn't our friend when it comes to Covid deaths, but an agent of fear. They never separate them out, no matter what country. Be wary, very wary.


    in the UK most deaths in hospital are put down as covid related even if theyre not 

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  5. 24 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    How many young men are sleeping with several girls this seems to be accepted in our society, but if a girl is doing that then she is called a slut or even other names.  A bit strange in our society of equals...


    exactly what i was saying basically if you enjoy sex then do it, there should be no distinction if your male or female

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