When she's horny, you're either on board or she'll leave without you. I think she was giving him an opportunity to be in control and he missed that boat.
I do believe I'm the one that said that.. and no, it wasn't to satisfy my desires/needs. At the time, I felt with the absence of Park, they definitely would have went more into satisfying their own desires/needs. Think of it as a form of cheerleading, armchair quarterbacking, yelling at a movie knowing you can't change it.
Have they shown any sort of affection towards each other since he arrived? I guess I was expecting a little more romance in the bath. It took the bath longer to fill than the amount of time they were in it.
It's the mirror in that bathroom, it's magical. Everytime someone opens that door and someone else is in there, they seem to always be standing at that sink.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm not sure she realizes how much we are invested in things. We need cameras at Frisky and Gabby's.. that's the only answer.
I heard at one time in my life, the only thing keeping the US from switching to the metric system is the extremely high cost it would be to change the road signs from miles to kilometers.
Well, yes, 1 yard = .9 meters, so the longer the distance the more of a difference. But when we're talking 1-2 yards/meters, the difference isn't that great.