It's as if Masha read the thread and decided on a last minute trip. Now that she is at D&S's, it actually looks like all 3 are about the same height, maybe a 1/2 inch here or there.
Just thought of a problem with the plan.. Roxy speaks Russian, Frisky speaks Ukrainian.
Noldus has Caroline and Park listed as Russian speaking, but I've googled some words they've spoken and they come back as Ukrainian and do not translate in Russian.
From my understanding, yes the languages are similar, but Ukrainians can understand spoken Russian easier than vice versa. Probably something like the difference between Portuguese and Spanish.
13:10 - Masha left for wherever she is travelling to. Roxy housesitting, knowing her, she'll be in cleaning mode for a little bit before she locks into Stranger Things on Netflix for the night.
Frisky has been known to come over mid day and leave about the time he gets home or so. However, looks like Caroline is going out shopping today. Maybe she will bring her shopping partner home with her.
My setup is 3 PC monitors. Upper left monitor - this forum, upper right monitor - RLC, bottom center main monitor - game (something mindless like d3 or minecraft) or youtube/netflix or more RLC, if a lot is going on.