Hello. One message, that's all.
For those of you that knew about my situation, and who kindly asked in either PM or in chat, my Mother died this evening.
Not looking for sympathy, just informing you. Now lost both parents and i'm still in my 40s. Actual Real Life. Not often that good is it?
Oh, and it's only my own opinion but while i am here, i may as well comment on the apartment. The one thing i had for respite leading up to this has got worse as far as i'm concerned, not just because Malia is no longer there, and all traces of her completely and deliberately removed (I knew she was leaving all along, of course i did. Just didn't say it), but Leora's overall behaviour since is questionable. Not only is she now all alone with no one else to even talk to (Barring her persuading Douchebag to be used as a second Malia, both for cover and to create a 'Will They Won't They' clickbait scenario), not only is she getting quickly lost in living one long constant 'performance', but her love life is now getting even worse. Trust me on that one. I know. (She and LoverBoy are still very much together by the way, despite all last week's one day off/next day back on 'dramas')
Still, as long as she's all alone and just carries on regular shows of opening her legs and bating all the time eh?.....
Please - Think of your own everyone, your loved ones. Get your priorities right. Don't leave it too late. Make a call. Life is precious, a website isn't. RLC is simply people paid a huge salary to provide entertainment, who expect the praise and adulation in return. That's all it is - It's just a website. Don't lose perspective. The tenants are just someone on a camera who doesn't even know or will ever know you. We don't really mean anything to anyone involved. You are Customers, Followers. Not Friends. Do you think Malia cared one jot about me, despite being her biggest defender and supporter? Of course she didn't. If Leora can treat LB, her 'Boyfriend', like crap and lie to him all the time, if she can use and slag off Malia, her 'Best friend' behind her back, what does that say for anyone from on here? Be fans, yes, show your support, but don't blur the lines. It's easy to do so.
If CC ended tomorrow, RLC and its tenants wouldn't be affected at all. And RLC itself looks like it's a website that is steadily sinking fast.
What WE here all live is Actual Real Life. Remember that. Good luck to most of you.