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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. I highly doubt she will ever return to be honest, plus she will have to get out surely soon enough, she's had enough problems of that kind.
  2. Well i can only see 2 possible reasons for all this. He isn't in town, or it's by choice. I can't see him astonishingly susceptible to illness, can you? It's not even part time as i say now. The longer it goes on..... Too many don't look at her as a person, just an image simply there to put on shows. She's flawed already in ways, the last thing she needs is to make things a whole lot worse for herself.
  3. She called him. All that time with Paul, then after bating, calls the other one. Speaks volumes - With Paul, an hour and a half. With LB.....4 minutes. And to think, some actually want her to do something with Douche. Yeah, doing something with a third person, that will help her already crazy love life won't it.....It's insane anyway. Topple the house of cards for one night's cam views? She's not that stupid. Doing something with D could start a domino effect that could wreck everything.
  4. Hmm....That's the problem. They had a not too good time in Prague, this is what Leora didn't like, and i personally am not sure how it will be now. But she will have to go back home anyway soon, so it's not like she is stuck there.
  5. Well now it looks a show is on, so it is 95% home....Unless she then she goes out.
  6. Could be a show night, in lieu of last night? Looks like the regular build up.
  7. Still in Ukraine with her guy, just like yesterday!
  8. Make that 80/20..... She got distracted last night.
  9. He had his pants on. Sorry to disappoint your wife and grandson.
  10. See this isn't like 'How's things, does the dog need anything' every-so-often call, this is a very common 'Just be with me' call. And i have seen so many of them. Many times. This is why what i write isn't glib, it's something that has happened right the way through.
  11. No, i think he still has his pants on! Although one particular night late last year, i think he was uncovered. Certainly looked that way....
  12. He's 'Buffed Up' a lot over the last year, been doing a lot of working out i believe, and you can tell. Maybe that's why he is usually shirtless for their skype calls!
  13. Yeah i know, i was just responding to what had been written, the over protecting vibe, where every word has to be carefully considered.
  14. No, this is where i (personally) see her at her most natural. This is when she isn't bothered. That's my view.
  15. I live in a depressed, mourning world. The real world.
  16. Paul on Skype. And on screen, without his shirt again! 😄 (See!) Both cooking at the same time, bet they are making the same thing. See, i know i am in a minority here, but this is where i get the most enjoyment now, because she isn't in 'show' mode. Even ironing has to be a show now. But with this here, i DO see the 'old' Leora. Happy and content talking and seeing Paul, not thinking about being 'watched' all the time, not bothered about her cam views. This for me is back to what she used to be. And i know some will laugh and i totally get why they want to see her in regular show mode (And let's face it, right now she is happy to give it to them) but i see more of old Leora here. And it's when Paul is there. Even if it's just on a screen.
  17. I am sure both of them have thought ahead, after all, look how things changed literally overnight when the Russian apartments closed. Anything can happen for it to end, either the company as a whole or individuals.
  18. Plus it certainly doesn't look like the site itself is doing that well now, the figures aren't good at all.
  19. Of course, the money made means a very comfortable life for quite some time, i would imagine, if this ended. But the notion of being so rich but still taking orders from a company boss seems a little far fetched. Would Masha still live in such a small apartment? Would Leora still have to come home when she clearly doesn't want to at times? Those are the things i look at. And dare i say it, when has a millionaire taken orders from peasants....!
  20. Oh yes, but a millionaire? I highly doubt it. Rich is one thing, but that?
  21. If you think Leora is a millionaire, then fine. But i have a little bit of doubt myself!
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