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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. Lol everyone looked shocked including elian while she was laughing while telling the story
  2. everyone leaving. what a disappointing night . someone on thread earlier said they would be all gone by midnight.
  3. these are the times i miss anthony and carlos who would fool around with the girls.
  4. as long as it doesnt insult our intelligence then its cool
  5. even with the pathetic show the other night i would never want ariana to leave but i wish babi and cleopatra could join the project. Babi replacing amira
  6. tesla in english saying she let a girl pee on her while she masturbated then they switched positions
  7. ariana arguing with one of her boyfriends on the phone in english moaning that hes always busy and doesnt see her
  8. dick more important to amira then this project
  9. everyone on their phones while the twins just want to have fun
  10. yeah the twins tried to be friends with her but it hasnt worked out. Dont even thinks shes interacted with nana yet. shes just shy and doesnt like gatherings
  11. No b5. I wonder what they did to piss everyone off
  12. she just here to pick up a paycheck and use b2 as a hotel. To keep her spot she bates or does a fake show once in a while
  13. everyone fully dressed and then theres elian walking around in just her knickers lol
  14. vivian should take advantage of being alone in a place like this. Blast the music, have a swim in the pool and just have some fun.
  15. i think its because riya left after 30 days but i get the feeling she chose to leave
  16. rlc would be stupid to get rid them they are box office. Them being in b5 made b5 the most popular apartment for 24 hours and im sure the same will happen in b2 tonight.
  17. nana is still there so maybe they are going back
  18. what was the point in that unless they are coming back later
  19. both claire and carlos are weirdos but atleast carlos was funny. Hanna is only a weirdo when drunk but the other night i have never seen her act that way before which makes me suspicious that she was on something other then alcohol.
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