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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. LOOL the fake show is already the most popular scene in the last 24 hours. Now the girls know all they have to do pretend to lick pussy and fake an orgasm and they will get bonuses.
  2. no problem ive noticed they are some weirdos on here. im just here to have a laugh and rant
  3. yes because thats real and thats what we signed up for Il also add bruno and gina to that because its fucking real. This fake shit is insulting because rlc market this as real life and say nothing is fake when thats clearly not the case
  4. if ariana who i love didnt blatantly fake an orgasm when radi was clearly not licking or touching her pussy then i wouldnt be this mad but that shit was just insulting our intelligence
  5. im afraid this pathetic fake show is going to be the most popular scene so expect this shit to happen again and again
  6. They teased do more in the bath tub a couple of days ago but viv was too nervous
  7. But they didnt put any effort to make it seem real. tesla and elian arent lesbians yet still manage to not make it look fake. Look at the massage between viv tesla and elian they put in effort to make it erotic and sensual
  8. ariana has visited b2 a couple of times this week so it makes sense
  9. if you are reading this radi to make a girl cum you must actually lick the pussy not the belly button
  10. How is it different to anything we have seen before? Monica and amira do this type of shit almost everyday and even they are more convincing then these two and people want them gone
  11. so now we are praising girls for faking orgasms and pretending to kiss and lick pussy. Rlc has hit rock bottom
  12. this is why i prefer the parties and the dramas because it feels real. This fake shit just makes me think this whole thing is a scam
  13. Maybe its more obvious on the big screen but its so fake how can you fool for this. The massage between vivian tesla and elian was way more convincing
  14. lol now they are getting the vibrator. Ariana been going around b2 a lot lately and looks like she got tips from monica and amira
  15. if she was actually kissing her, licking her breasts and licking her pussy she would move her hair out of the way
  16. its so blatant you can clearly see radi is not licking her pussy
  17. lol they are doing the same thing monica and amira do trying to make it look like they are licking pussy and kissing but they are not. Theres a reason why her hair is in the way
  18. so nelly expects bogdan to be ok with her having a relationship with someone else but gets jealous and moans at him for being too friendly with megan and holly. What a bitch
  19. yes the only party in the last couple of months was megans leaving party and even that was nothing like the parties they had in the fitness room. All they have to do is not have a dj set and dont go naked screaming on the balcony. Also anyone who suggests guys should join gets crucifed but those same people want the girls to bring guys round
  20. lol people thought kitty was facetiming these guys behind smiths back but hes in on it
  21. lol they were both telling the guy on the facetime they have no money and no hot water
  22. there was a rumour he was fucking holly but i dont know if thats true or not.
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