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james deen

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Everything posted by james deen

  1. even hanna and tereza started kissing when they were alone and it looked like it would go further then out of knowhere tereza burst out laughing then they went into the bathroom with no camera
  2. arron came back into the living room while tesla elian were kissing infront of hanna and looked mad and went back into his room into bed
  3. yes and at one stage they got it on with hanna and arron saw it and hanna seemed to be into it and thats why arron is pissed i think
  4. maybe its not just hanna but also tesla and elian trying to seduce his wife all night
  5. Arron been angry all night but hes been trying hide it now hes letting it out to tereza
  6. tesla and elian have tried to start an orgy so many times which means they were probs told to do that but have failed so far
  7. so elian and tesla just used the toilet in the bathroom with camera then straight after go into the bathroom without the camera for less then a minute. suspicious activity...
  8. i dont even care thats its staged. Rlc say in the FAQ that nothing is staged but we know thats a lie with all the choreographed massages and bates however the parties and the bbqs are when its meant to be "real life".
  9. the reason why i liked b5 is because they were normal and they didnt do any of the fake nonsense. Now thats ruined...
  10. Yeah exactly. Another giveaway that its staged is tesla and elian being there. They only met today and didnt even speak that much to each other at the bbq
  11. im not gonna lie this does feel staged unlike the bbq earlier which felt normal. Tereza kissing hannah and hannah trying fuck all the girls is the giveaway. Even when drunk they have never acted like this before
  12. i wonder why rlc left that bathroom with no camera. Every other bathroom has a camera
  13. Something is definitely going on in there they dont want us to see. They all keep going in and out and acting strange
  14. so even with martina bragging about the orgasms she had with nelly alberto still cant get motivated enough
  15. how could he let his wife embarrass herself like this and not do anything about it.
  16. yeah everyone assumes they are drunk but i this behaviour from b5 ive never seen before
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