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Everything posted by corpslibre

  1. Je partage bien évidemment avec vous le fait que Radi arrive à saturation dans l'intérêt qu'elle apporte lorsqu'elle est dans sa chambre, mais c'est surtout par manque de partenaires à la hauteur. Cependant, je ne partage pas l'idée de l'intérêt que les locataires comme Nana suciterait plus d'intérêt, car même si RLC revendique la vraie vie, sans comprendre un seul mot de ce que se disent les locataires, et sans possibilité de caméras les suivant partout dans leurs déplacements, cela n'a aucun intérêt, et je ne pense pas que cela génère beaucoup d'abonnements.
  2. Radi showed an open mind enough to stand above this race for the CAM. Of all the girls, whether we accept it or not, Radi is the most consistent, and very rare are the times that she has disappeared entirely from the cameras, which many others have not, and so on. is for our greatest pleasure. So please let us be grateful to her, as she deserves at least by not treating her for what she is not. Radi has never disappointed, let's not disappoint her.
  3. 13:00, the weather is fine, Radi is eating and tanning in the sun, one of the binoculars in her room, all the other B4 tenants are out. Once again, well done and thank you Radi.
  4. Radi is going to great lengths tonight to have her friends follow her on the show, if no one moves tonight, then nothing else will happen outside of Radi.
  5. Radi is multitasking, she chats pleasantly with her friends, teases them while competing with Leora
  6. In any case, obviously the plumber could not intervene for B1's bathroom
  7. Being an RLC subscriber for very recently, of course I don't know any of these girls, but if 3 sound nice to me, my first impression of Fiora is that she seems very superficial compared to her roommates, totally in effect (sexy dance but playing with the cameras to show as little as possible You seem very enthusiastic about it, the future will tell if I'm wrong.
  8. One thing is certain, is that Radi, contrary to my judgment of the first few weeks of my subscription to RLC, is very sociable, and is constantly seeking friendship. You just have to observe her and we see that she likes to talk to whoever wants to hear her, and always gives more than she receives, she does not hesitate like this evening by joining a discussion group, to report glasses and a bottle, or even during massages where you can clearly see that she is giving her maximum.
  9. Je suis d'accord que Masha me fait parfois un peu peur dans ses invitations et ses relations, ça ressemble plus à des relations rémunérées avec une satisfaction de désir très particuliers et pas vraiment agréable à regarder alors que Masha a tout pour faire autrement, en sélectionnant davantage ses relations, autre que probablement sur le critère de l'argent.
  10. She started tidying up, it's a start, but Radi does a thousand times more things in her "little" room than the others, and she has a thousand and one bras, and at the same time, Radi has her own design. storage, some objects have a reserved place. It's Radi, and if she likes it ...
  11. Cela ne veut pas dire que je pense que les gens de B4 comme Nana, Karols et les Twins soient une compagnie intéressante pour Radi, mais la maison est plus grande et il y a un jardin.
  12. Pour ma part, je ne suis pas si sûr, on ne peut pas dire que Mila, qui passe le plus clair de son temps retirée dans sa chambre pour dormir, ait été de bonne compagnie pour Radi le dernier jour au B2. J'ai l'impression que Radi s'est mieux amusée hier au B4 dans le jardin, et le rangement qu'elle a fait aujourd'hui dans sa chambre au B4 semble le confirmer.
  13. Ah bon ? Et les gens payaient pour voir des couples manger et jouer aux cartes ? En êtes vous certains ?
  14. Obviously RLC is a site based on sex, but where the participants live 24 hours a day under the cameras and therefore the eye of voyeurs. But we still have to find participants who support this way of life, as much Radi integrates this way of life naturally into her own, she is extremely comfortable with her body, has no complexes (and why would she have any). ?) and all he lacks is a good partner or friend, but other participants like Nana, Karol or so many others do not have these qualities, and are ultimately resistant to this way of life, explaining this game of hide and seek with the cameras, these long outings and especially this permanent lingerie parade in B4. Find partners like Mila but who live up to Radi's expectations, and RLC will recover, I'm sure, and no matter what Radi's room looks messy, she likes it and actually lives at her ease, that's the main thing.
  15. Finally someone resting and doing their physical activities outside and not at level 4 enjoying the garden and the benefits of the sun, and it's happening on September 27 and it's Radi. While throughout the summer the physical activities at B4 were carried out indoors in an air-conditioned space.
  16. 17h08, la maman d'Anna est toujours en B2 sur le canapé, Mila est partie s'isoler à nouveau dans sa chambre pendant qu'Anna est partie se laver, et Radi reste dans le salon et tient compagnie à la maman d'Anna, discute avec elle et sourit, grand respect pour Radi.☺️
  17. Nana en B4 comptant les jours qu'il lui reste à endurer dans ce qui semble être une galère pour elle, attendant avec impatience le jour de son départ
  18. Radi sur le balcon de B2 ce matin totalement nue, magnifique ☺️
  19. Error, it was to go to the balcony, Radi is sleeping with Mila at B2
  20. 23:49 Mila dort et, douchée, Radi prépare ses affaires pour sortir
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