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Everything posted by corpslibre

  1. Alors oui, peut-être dans l'hypothèse où il s'agit d'un bon ami ou d'un parent dans un mauvais moment venu simplement chercher du réconfort auprès de Léora comme confidente, dans ce cas effectivement je considérerai mais les réflexions précédentes comme nulles et non avenues, et je m'en excuserai platement. Si bien sûr il s'agit bien de cela.
  2. Et à chaque fois, reclame t-il quelque chose, a t-il des revendications ? car il prend en otage tous les abonnés de RLC fans de Leora, nous privant de son corps magnifique. Qu'il nous fasse au moins part de ses exigences, et nous verrons ce qu'on peut faire pour lui.
  3. And for three years he still has not bought television?
  4. Donc deux explications simples à ce comportement qui continue de se répéter sur RLC ces derniers temps, ou il y a une demande formulée par la direction de RLC aux « colocataires » d'inviter de temps en temps des « figurants » de sexe opposés sans volonté d'aller plus loin dans afin de suciter plus de passion des abonnés, ou ces personnes ont toutes un problème neurologique, car inviter quelqu'un à la maison pour échanger trois mots et ensuite regarder la télévision, et tout ça sous l'oeil attentif de milliers de personnes à travers les caméras, c'est tout sauf un comportement normal, et pour moi cela va bien au-delà de se promener nu ou de se masturber devant les caméras.
  5. He also thought maybe, damn it, I would have done better to stay home and watch her on RLC, there at least, she would have been naked for a long time already !!
  6. Il doit surtout se dire cette manie qu'elles ont tputes sur RLC de s'exhiber nues lorsqu'elles sont seules devant les caméras et des milliers de voyeurs et de jouer les frigides quand elles sont en présence d'un homme 😞
  7. Stella aussi de retour avec son copain... D'ici là que l'ami de Radi saute sur l'ami de Stella 😉
  8. The resemblance is striking to what occupied most of the screens of RLC Replay this morning, the conversation around a set between Radislava and a stranger who came to visit him. As a "supporter" of Leora, I am forced to ask myself what is Leora playing? The endless conversation until the end of the night, the set, the forced laughter ... Wouldn't Leora do a "remake" of last night's scene at B1? Obviously Leora, naturally more comfortable with her body, with someone on the phone and not in front of her, and alcohol probably helping, offers us a much more relaxed and sexy spectacle. I must admit that I am indeed disappointed with this lack of originality. Leora, you are capable of much better than that !! ... be yourself, that's how we like you.
  9. Why this comparison between Radi and Leora, why this competition? I always keep in mind that roommates are likely to read our comments, which is also beneficial for everyone. But then why this kind of discussion and criticism, when today in the turmoil of RLC, they are one of the few tenants generating passion and pleasure. With this kind of discussion, do we not agree with those who are criticized for doing nothing? At the risk of discouraging them or even losing them, these discussions will bring nothing to the problem. Instead, ask yourself why is only Vivian leaving, and not the lonely college student Nana or the Instagram-loving twins? I find the turn of this discussion very unfair to the interested parties. Whether it's Radislava or Leora, they never really tried to hide from the cameras, it seems to me. What they do outside does not actually concern us, and we do not blame them for what is in fact a generality on RLC, no person coming from outside brought back by a roommate gave a show, knowing that the apartments are loaded with cameras.
  10. Indeed, a very interesting conversation, thank you DDHM for the translation, it will be noted that Radi only actually removed her dress once again alone, while she still had a bikini underneath. We do not approach Radi so simply, the first evening, and very fortunately, because given the past events, we would have been surprised and probably disappointed if it had been otherwise, since we have a minimum of consideration for the roommates of RLC. Radi remains a wild animal, which does not allow itself to be "caught" so easily. It's Radi;)
  11. Radi seems to be having a good time and the sanitary distances are well respected.
  12. Je pense aussi à Radi 100% lesbienne, il y en a un qui est en train de faire un film, mais qui n'arrivera pas à retirer un sous-vêtement de notre Radi national, et reviendra à la maison chez lui sur 3 pattes.
  13. In case some were still wondering if Nana and Vivian were madly laughing at their spectators, it seems to me that tonight at 11:00 p.m. Paris time, they have the answer 🙂 Incomprehensible that RLC does not dismiss all these small world of B4 and close this villa which does not cease to give a dismaying spectacle. We'd at least feel like subscription money isn't thrown out the window
  14. leora is likely to generate more interest now as the level of interest in B4 has declined, and no less disappointment is the total lack of response from the ’organization’ to date. The spectacle given in B4 is simply appalling, in the eyes of someone like me, admittedly, obviously was not looking for nuns or pornstars, but also not for student figures forced to show off on a bed for a summer job. And this is how I am more satisfied to observe Leora, and in certain moments Radislava and the couple Martina and Alberto, since the pleasure is shared, that the motivation by money does not make itself felt like that. is in B4.
  15. as they say: He who sows the wind reaps the storm
  16. La cause ou la conséquence que Radi doit avoir une vie privée très complexe en dehors de RLC, et probablement un passé non moins simple.
  17. It's a whole different Radi that we have here before our eyes, and it's also his real private life, I like it just as much today to see Radi with his mother and maybe with his dog, it is somewhere a Radi au naturel, but in his apartment RLC all the same.
  18. It's a comforting moment I think for Radi and her mom .. and the dog.
  19. it is clear that by bringing her friends between 2:00 and 6:00 to come and drink in her bedroom and then watch television in the living room, Stella shared a great moment of privacy with us. If this is what some are missing, Leora just has to organize a TV aperitif with a neighbor, dressed of course, and everyone will be happy.
  20. With the difference that being alone and isolated, her telephone is her only means of communication.
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