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Everything posted by yadevol

  1. yadevol

    Tver - Split 1

    Did anybody see when Anna left?
  2. yadevol

    Tver - Split 1

    I am not sure Ivoryan expected Anna to sleep in Tver
  3. Did Ivoryan do the deed again?
  4. let us hope for Diana too :yeahbaby:
  5. In winter yes, in summer no, and at the moment since the equinox was 4 days ago there is no north south effect
  6. It is 19.15 here in edinburgh (same timezone a portugal) and it is just getting dark. lisbon is 6 deg west and so night falls 20 mins later 19.40 or so or 20.40 cet.
  7. I doubt that WTVM in Columbus Georgia has a correspondent in Atlanta let alone one overseas. If you look at the tape the no go zone in Norway has palm trees! This is a crude and stupid forgery and you are a fool if you are taken in by it.
  8. The idea that France (or Germany or the UK) has Muslim only no go areas was a lie put out by Fox News that has been debunked more times than I care to mention. As anyone who has visited these countries it is Bollocks.
  9. Thanks. I still get the problem in firefox and reloading doesn't help
  10. is anyone else having problems with the site. i get a 201 connection failed message
  11. Currently england is on GMT+1 (summer time) and so is portugal since Joao is a portugese name I would suggest that the appartment is somewhere in portugal. BTW the canaries (spanish) are also on GMT+1 at the moment.
  12. Hi I had a paid membership but can't find the payment e-mail
  13. what an arse. She bought special underwear as well. I wonder if he has any idea how stupid he looks trying explain why he won't have sex to a hot woman like that who is stroking his dick. Given the level of self control he should consider becoming a priest.
  14. my mistake but 30 minutes ago it was reading 06.50
  15. Look at the time. Barcelona is gmt+1 the time in these apartments is gmt-1
  16. Has anyone noticed that both premium apartments are an hour behind gmt. This means they can't be in mainland europe. Canary islands perhaps?
  17. Ozi If you are going to quote numbers at least make ones up that are plausible. A 0.96 % homicide rate for the U.K is nearly 700,000 deaths per year (350 times larger than the number of road deaths).
  18. My headmaster taught us that when you swear it shows you have lost an argument! To summarise your post Don't use the facts to convince me. My mind is made up. Happy to be 100 times safer than you without access to a gun Merry Christmas
  19. Homicides per 100,000 people using guns United Kingdom 0.04 United States 2.83 Nuff said
  20. anyone know why demid is staring out the window?
  21. Diana and Efim are having an enormous row. Anybody see what happened?
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