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Everything posted by Niconic

  1. Fuck Hot chocolate, Nora, Leoria, Alina, Maya Marry Nora Kill Kiko Introduce to Best Friend Leoria Piss on Hot chocolate Go to dinner with Leoria Own Hot chocolate’s apartment
  2. Fuck: hot chocolate at night and Nora in the morning. Marry: Nora, her sweet ass and her... Whatever... I don't know how to discribe it... Kill: Nora's dog.
  3. The dog started smelling her pussy but unfortunately got immediatly spanked... :-\
  4. Il y a (de jolies filles sur RLC) = there are (some hot bimbos on RLC). J’ai niqué Nora il y a 3 jours = I had a sex with Nora 3 days ago and not there are 3 days. If someone could let Google traduction know about this basic rule when you do some translation between French and English…
  5. Ne t'occupe pas trop des pisse-froid et bravo pour tes investigations ! Tu m'as donné l'envie de découvrir l'identité de Nora et je viens de réussir... :D
  6. Hey man...C'est devenu du charabia ton truc... Je parle français et anglais mais là, je ne pige plus quedal...
  7. Spoken in 38 countries... We can teach you some if you'd like... It's not too late to learn it...
  8. (Edited) Somebody wanna translate this for English speakers? Si nous, français, nous devons traduire en anglais nos mots, pourquoi vous, qui parlez anglais, ne traduireriez pas ce que vous écrivez en français ? Personne n'a dit que nous devions traduire en anglais ce que nous postons... Un brave type a simplement demandé si quelqu'un voulait bien traduire...
  9. Seuls le lien avec Leoria et les 3 d'Alma et son gros fion apparaissent...
  10. For 24 hours: Isabel. For the rest of my life, Nora if she let me buy her some new glasses.
  11. That's much better than the translation from Google Translate. You're hired! Thanks ! But not perfect... To succeed and not to success... :-*
  12. (Crappy English translation: "Please, do not ask me the name and nastya viktoria in MP. I repeat, it was a challenge for me to find their identities, but I do not causerai them revealing their name wrong. everyone has to do some research if he has the desire, I am come! thank you") "Please, do not ask me for nastya and viktoria's names in MP. One more time, it was a challenge for me to find their identification out, but I won't hurt them by revealing their names. everyone is free to do some research if he has this desire, I had the chance to success !!! thank you")
  13. C'est pas comme ça que tu sauras un jour parler une langue étrangère, man...
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