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Everything posted by Niconic

  1. Right now, I see the cute friend with Nora in the same bed... :)
  2. Ca me fout la gaule when she does her punto de cruz !!! :P
  3. cookies that RLC needs to let you watch the videos. If those are only cookies, there is no danger for your computer.
  4. You just taught me an english word I didn't know... Thanks ! :)
  5. Can we vote twice ? Isabel et Nora are my two favs but I can't make up my mind to select only one.
  6. Isabel is definitely different... I'd love to meet with her just to try to understand her personality...
  7. They're fucking again... :) One more time !!! :o That may not happen very often but that makes it even greater to catch them... I love to watch Nora when her desire for sex is stronger than her modesty... :-* This is what voyeurism is all about and this why I'm here... ;)
  8. Hopefully that will help me make big money so I can get an apartment for Nora, Isabel and myself... 8)
  9. When translators suck and you really want to understand what was said in french, let me know and I can try to help. Qd les traducteurs sont nazes et que vous tenez à comprendre ce qui s'est dit en anglais, je me tiens à votre disposition pour donner un coup de mains...
  10. 12 $ the ticket. I wonder if CC members can get VIP seats...
  11. Nicolas Batum, on t'a reconnu ! ;)
  12. Altruiste would like to know if some RLC members are also members of CamCaps... And if so, who ? Nora, can you please confirm us you are with us on this forum ? Thanks !
  13. +1. And since she doesn't behave like a bitch... And looks like a nice girl... That's help !
  14. Which is, more or less: Are you gonna put that shit on every page ?
  15. Fuck Hot chocolate, Nora, Leoria, Alina, Maya Marry Nora Kill Kiko Introduce to Best Friend Leoria Piss on Hot chocolate Go to dinner with Leoria Own Hot chocolate’s apartment
  16. Fuck: hot chocolate at night and Nora in the morning. Marry: Nora, her sweet ass and her... Whatever... I don't know how to discribe it... Kill: Nora's dog.
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