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Everything posted by smurfy08

  1. When I hear 'performance' I think "What the fuck ???". If you want performance, go to the website next door....some girls are performing 24/7 ! Watch your tokens though !
  2. I was kinda joking, however it seems like because something happened once, it should happen all the time. There's a no end escalation to what people want to see...it's supposed to be reallifecam not realpornlife ! If an orgie was happening everyday it would be the same and people would still be complaining. RLC is so boring, everyday it's the same nothing interesting to watch....(At least when it's boring people don't arrive too late at work).
  3. Hey if you know that it's one of the girl birthday and a party is planned, I'm sure you will cancel all your plans
  4. Oh no it's not only you, the trouble is that some people (very few fortunately) post this as if they knew exactly what is going on and without thinking about the consequences. Is it their imagination ? Do they see things that we can't ? Also for a few CC members knowing what those girls do outside is as much interesting as what they do inside. Why so many people are begging to get some private pictures or informations about those girls ? They are certainly not the ones you meet everyday in your street. They are probably not exactly like your cute neighbour. Everyone is free to do what they like but I really think that spreading those kind of rumours with no proof is totally wrong. It would be so much constructive if people were explaining what they saw on the cam that could lead to something. At least we would have something to discuss and not simply ignore those kind of posts.
  5. I don't have the recording, but if you do you can try an application like SoundHound on a phone to detect it.
  6. No sight of "hairy man" (as you call him) around ? Damn, he can't let Anna go home without saying goodbye.
  7. Anyway we all know that RLC is a show. All these things actually never happen in real life.
  8. How do you call the girl who has sex with more than one girl ? Seriously, we have seen Kami and Kristy for months...(to not say years). How many men did you see in their bed ? Is it that bad for girls to have sex with more than one man in such a period of time ? Oh and they are not married too ! Only girls in Barcelona should be allowed to have sex with multiple partners (all girls if possible), oh and please all at the same time, the more the better ! That would be so sweet and lovely. Barcelona girls are the best. The sweetest innocent creatures ever. Some are begging to see wild orgies every days...and some are shocked to see a girl having sex with two different partners in a year... RLC will never be able to please everyone. I hope we'll see the real life in a convent soon !
  9. Exactly. A vpn is almost essential anyway, not only for RLC. I would never connect to any free wifi hotspot without using a vpn for example. Some are free indeed, they should be fine for testing or occasional need but not much more. They generally have restrictions on bandwidth or data. Airvpn is great too.
  10. You are lucky, I just got rlcfan.WTF.proxyNTM PS: I think the forum is infected too Seriously, I really don't think it's related to RLC, to not say I'm sure. There are many other ways to get malware, (Downloads, emails, usb key...). Check all the other possibilities before thinking it's related to RLC. Don't try to download any video about a legendary party in RLC....they don't exist :)
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