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Everything posted by smurfy08

  1. Right now she reminds me Edward....you know Edward Scissorhands. Exactly, it's too early too say anything about her, give her some time ! A few days at least before complaining about her wearing clothes, being prude or whatever... She looks pretty in her dress, enjoy her !
  2. The question is not the quantity but the quality. I'm sure many would not complain even if the house was packed with 10 girls or more as long as they fulfil all their fantasies. 3 or 4 does not make a huge difference, one girl having to share a room is not an issue for us. I assume it's more a problem for the girls having to do it. I they don't mind about it and are getting along very well, all is good.
  3. - Like a 'play lesbian porn' button, when things are boring ! - And a 'lock main door' button that we can use if Jasmin is trying to escape from B1 !
  4. The next one who says that Jasmin is hiding from the camera should be banned and ordered to buy a new pair of glasses ! (You are allowed to complain about Jasmin if you are blind now after what she showed you in Carolina's room.)
  5. Just learn to enjoy 'Your Belle' even when she's not naked. You will appreciate her even more when she is. Look at her smiling, laughing and joking, this is part of life too and I can assure you it can be really enjoyable.
  6. RLC is doing its best to cure you from your insatiable hunger and thirst for sex. Don't worry guys you'll make it ! Just be strong !
  7. If Jasmin was adventurous there would be no talk at all about girls having to stay in their initial apartment. You are saying that you want her to go back to B1 when you rather want her to go back home because you know she won't fulfil your fantasies now or in the future. She's not that comfortable with the camera, which is totally understandable however she already (yes I say already) showed everything. Girls should not have to wide spread their legs or perform in lesbian orgies to be 'acceptable' in RLC.
  8. So funny to hear that girls should stay in their apartment. If instead of Jasmin, the girl was called 'Irma' or 'Megan' for example, would you ask her to return back in B1 ? I'm not so sure...lol
  9. Really ? I know I have not watched much RLC for a while but I thought she arrived about 3 months ago and that was it.
  10. Thank you Jasmin to bring some decency in that immoral, depraved and deviant apartment !
  11. What can be boring for some, can be interesting for others. I'm certainly not paying RLC to watch porn. Actually watching a lovely girl in her sexy nightie, slurping a cup of tea while slowly unveiling her curves and soft skin can be far more interesting than watching a few sluts spreading their legs at the camera.
  12. You should ask them if they often have orgies with their housemates ! Also don't forget to ask them if they broadcast it on the internet to be sure that thousand of people are watching. This is certainly what 'normal' girls do ! That's not that different from using privately a dildo a few times a week after all.
  13. You never paid for a good show ! Where did you read that ? You are only paying to be able to watch the life of other people. At least that was the original concept of RLC. There are several other websites if you want to pay and watch shows. I don't think most of people here want to see shows. The Barcelona's apartments have a different concept, you can see these girls doing normal things most of the time, so when they do something 'special' you are never sure if what you see is 'real' or a planned show. That's what people want to see, things they can only see in porn, but done by 'normal' girls.
  14. Milena is good at hiding stuff from us. I was just listening her conversation in english and she was making sure to type and not say 'key' things like places...
  15. Jasmin's boyfriend has been watching RLC for the last few weeks. He saw unforgettable things that made him really want to go to Barcelona. If only he had money to get a flight ! He had to plan something, he could not endure anymore those sleepless nights ! He finally managed to convince Jasmin to participate to RLC and promised to visit her....but also occasionally visit B2.
  16. Lima is 'hard at work' in the living room....impressive ! Let's hope she won't need 3 days to recover from those intense efforts.
  17. I agree, I did say 'not much' because I knew we have a bit of influence. It's easy to be interpreted like not at all.
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