I watched Rex and his Girlfriend have sex earlier and witnessed him slapping her hard in the face!!! Honestly why do guys do that I don't, it does not turn me on in the slightest. I think in his case it is just a form of domination if I was her I would have turned round and squeezed his balls until he was sick. He needs to learn respect for a female he is a total heathen,knuckle dragging halfwit.
Silvia & Josh off line now for over 12 hrs! Perhaps they nicked all the cameras and flew the coup as well! Did anyone notice any half empty bags lying around before they went offline?
I picked up on the Gif's you mentioned. I find it an absolute pain in the arse especially with Barcelona 1 picture page it can take an age to be able to scroll down as nearly every pic is a Gif. It is nice to see a bit of movement but a whole page of them is utter nonsense, MOD's how about a Gif section on each appartment page?? So those of us who are not arsed about GIF's can just enjoy the stills. I have a 200Mb BB cable connection and it still takes quite a long time to load a page enough to be able to scroll. Please a Gif section??????????????????????????????????
I agree with cacjc, this is a prime example of her multiple personalities. One moment she is playing with herself brazenly the next she is covering her boobs.
Has anyone noticed that Paul has shaved his head again? I may be behind the drag curve here, looks like he is going back to the Army. Let the Leora batefest begin,
Whilst Gif's are entertaining and at times funny, they make the pages load at a snails pace especially when you have a page full of them. PLEASE CAN WE HAVE A GIFS ONLY PAGE ON EACH OF THE ROOMS???. So that of use boring people can look at just pictures without waiting a year for a page to load? And just incase someone chirps in and says should have a faster bb connection mine is 200Mb cable