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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. there relation id dtrange if they are sisters to kiss touch like that
  2. and what is the relation between tory and ros?
  3. always this stupid asshole who is here for nothing
  4. this app is a disaster the two girl sleep and never let any light
  5. is it possible you fix the problem in bathroom cam ty
  6. the asshole ruin a good moment stupid guy i really hate this 2 f bastards let the girls play together
  7. seb38240


    strange people no respect fascist bastard
  8. seb38240


    i can't stand his stupid laugh go away kojack he ruin all the good things on this app
  9. seb38240


    let sometimes the girls togethr have fun would be nice without him and forgot his sm things for me he is usless and have to leave
  10. seb38240


    the dumbass omg kick him away
  11. would be nice you found a new girl for caitlyn she look very lonely
  12. seb38240


    2 bad this ass is here go away kojack
  13. seb38240


    kojaj come b pfffff
  14. i watch sometimes b2 app and she never move always sleep i think she have nothing to do here we have enough lazy girl with jasmin pleas eremove this b
  15. don't care i don't like how she behave lazyest girl with jasmin what is the point to put this kind of girls in b 2
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