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Everything posted by seb38240

  1. they have to be naked now on the bed and play without boy eh eh
  2. please stop we are here to speak about this app abd not your story
  3. seb38240


    bad chemistry on this place
  4. the girls look good friend half naked on bed a laugh good chemistry
  5. seb38240


    this app is just so bad
  6. sorry but the timeline don't work for me i can only see one app
  7. seb38240


    sorry but mona is strange girl always on her phone do nothing what is the point to let her here
  8. seb38240


    what is the poin to put new girl and they do noyhing
  9. I see there is steel the name of torry she will c back later or no and she will be replace by a girl in this place or rose bf will be here ?
  10. seb38240


    ridiculous teasing like always in this app
  11. seb38240


    there is never anybody in this app just teasing massage and nothing after left to see someone
  12. hello do you know if tory leave the project
  13. this guy will stay forever pffffff i hope he will return to his place and never c back
  14. the relation between tory and rose was strange kiss touch on the shower days ago or maybe was fake since this guy arrive everything change but he is always here not let any girls some space i think she will leave the project especially about what they do next to her
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