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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

    Seems the sex casting  with new worker with the bosses get her to be approved.. she is now allowed to perform alone with their "guests". But improved with experience.. now removed the panties

    It's normal here now. This girl reminds me of another girl. New occupation of girls who don't want to lose their boyfriend: Bisex

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, letsdothis said:

    Now, there are some faces I've never seen before. Adorable!! Clara, 
    you are amazing!! 👍✔️❤️ Thanks, DH.


    I always said that here. I do not mean personal things like sexuality, tolerance of criticism.
    but this girl has a lot of theatrical ability. I do not want to be misunderstood. this is certainly not a criticism. Clara needs to develop this ability. That girl's face expressions, behaviors belong to a complete artist.
    Criticism time, criticism. Time to praise, praise.
    I do not know if there is any correspondence in English, but a proverb says: "The right of Caesar should be given to Caesar."
    Thanks to Dh2995 and Letsdothis. 

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

    Not the same ones from that visit to C&S.. so i predict i new house will appear our be replaced in the near future 

    my forecast VHTV will soon reach 50 houses count. it will pass 100 in the coming year.
    The fee will be made per home number you watch. $ 10 for 10 homes, $ 50 for 50 homes. Of course this is a guess.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    That seemed like it really rang her bell, big time. That is the oddest
    looking vibrator I think I've ever seen, but it sure seems to do the
    trick. 😊

    On that type of vibrator, there is the exciter part of the G point from the outside.

    That girl's acting ability is a little low. It is a bit exaggerated but cute. :)

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  5. 1 hour ago, budda said:

    There is a proverb that says: "The beauty of a woman is not judged when she is dressed, well-groomed and with a make-up face.To judge her beauty you have to look at her in the morning as soon as she wakes up.
    Look at Clara as soon as she wakes up and you'll understand how true this proverb is.


    That's the first thing I've done every morning for months. If she liked being criticized as a compliment, I would have enjoyed it for many years. Beauty is temporary, human values are continuous.


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  6. 8 hours ago, golfer06 said:

    there are only so many houses that can be watched in a day so i think yes there are too many apts. but if i were eliminating apts i would eliminate the ones where basically nothing happens . not much sex, people not home much, sex content that i don't find interesting, etc. other people would eliminate the houses with the most sex or camshows which i don't watch but others do. the best alternative would be to offer different packages of say 10 apts for a certain price. but this would not be good for the origional subscribers that pay a lower fee. it could be offered to new subs. but it is better to have too many & be able to not watch the apts that don't interest you rather than to have 10 or so apts of which only 1 or 2 are interesting. then you would have a version of what vv has become. if nothing happens in the 1 or 2 apts that may be interesting you may as well just turn off the entire site. vh isn't perfect but they have gone out of their way to give us the most possibilities, way more than the other sites.


    I wrote some similar ideas about a month ago. and VHTV responded. Has anyone seen VHTV after this date? (Voyeur-House TV, Part 2, page 77)




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