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Posts posted by alt0na_O7

  1. 13 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    Andrew must be lovesick! Poor guy lost his girl to greed. He's a good looking guy, I'm sure he can do better. Money is nothing! ❤️ is everything! She'll learn the hard way.

    We saw a similar movie last Year. Remember the Tim tragedy. If Andrew is an honorable and true lover, he will not return. Money always beats Love. It's not for those in Love

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  2. Okay, everything's fine, but when this girl plays with herself ...... whatever.

    I guess I've been very critical again.

    for real eroticism and voyeur yes, for others ..........



    Possible dialogues:
    - you don't have to watch if you don't like it.
    - I know, I'm doing it right now.
    - And what is your purpose?
    - I don't know, I just want to see real life voyeur.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Clara & Stas will never swing but the girls may have a bit of pleasure together i see Alice is getting very touchy feely now.

    I think the process of being friends is under pressure. an assumption. but this may be the reason for the recent crisis between C & S. Clara is close to open relationships, but it's not Stas. Is he right? I think yes. Jealousy is a necessity of true love. Unfortunately, this kind of work is not for real lovers.
    I think even Clara's lesbian relationship with another girl is enough to disturb Stas.

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  4. 22 minutes ago, dh2995 said:

    Not the first time they've had a row, as it happens in any couple, but each time Stas shouting and gesturing, but each managing to make things boil down quickly. But this time the crisis lasted all afternoon and evening and even part of the morning. 

    This is just my perception of things from the timeline:
    Yesterday Clara went out shopping in the morning and Stas came back from work with her, as it often happens. The atmosphere between them looked pretty cold, then he started shouting at her, he didn't even stop when she cried. It sounded quite violent. She seemed amazed by his reaction. The tension came down at times, there even were a few hugs, Clara trying to cool him down, then he started storming again and again, even when she served him his dinner. Nearly every time she said something, probably trying to explain and give her opinion, she couldn't have her say, he angrily shouted at her. The word "rabota", Russian for "work" came all the time. I imagine she said or did something at or about his work which unexpectedly infuriated him beyond what she could have imagined. 
    This morning's kisses and hugs were short, but at least they had that moment. 
    She started painting, then got 2 phone calls - not Stas's voice but she seemed upset, calls maybe from friends asking about this crisis or giving advice - then she called him. 
    This time she was the one who spoke all the time in a torrent of words, seeming to complain and explain, probably telling him all that she couldn't say yesterday. The conversation boiled down then, each having spoken his mind probably, and ended on a normal tone. 
    Again, just my perception.
    Anyway, whatever the reasons, what matters is that they quickly come back to loving normal. I feel sorry for both of them.
    We'll see what happens when he comes back from work.   

    I can't watch them as much as I used to.
    I'm doing empathy. If I had reflected the difficulties of my work to my wife, I would have been divorced until now. 😞
     so I'm married to a colleague. 🙂
    I don't think these problems are just work-related. if so, Stas exaggerated. Okay, life's hard, but that girl isn't guilty.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    What Robwin said! 😉 It's too bad, cause it could be done so much better. It's a shame that they don't take advantage of our good ideas that really would make their site better. I guess they are more worried about their slipping numbers. Well, sometimes it's the little things that matter most. Oh well, I and many others, tried!

    here VHTV may want to give us the following message:

    We don't need you, but you need us.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Was talking about the "two" that altona said...  Zoi and Cleo

    edit: if we talk about "dildo" sessions only remember another one, the red hair that was invited this week to take a shower there 

    Not to forget the fuck machine. :biggrin:

    There will be a party after a few days with Alice and her friend. I wrote the possible variations today.

    Then they'll take their place in history

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