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Everything posted by zman3311

  1. lol misc, just had to go to other room and make a point. Your awesome lol.
  2. She must be virgin, hes trying to break it so noone else can use it.
  3. Thinking she may be a virgin, he keeps checking if shes ok.
  4. When you go out today. Look left, look right they all around you. You probably call some friends.
  5. really bean, get off your high horse. You pay to watch people have sex, lets not talk morals.
  6. You guys take cheating to serious, it happens more than you know. This is part of life, making choices good and bad. This was coming, if not this guy someone else. Tanya was sexy frustrated and was looking to have some fun.
  7. Cheating happens in real life, guys don't take it personal.
  8. Looks like Tanya going to cheat. Yep she cheating, she going for a ride. Today is going to be very interesting.
  9. You guys are funny. I bet as soon as Jenny brings a guy over and has sex you will be watching.
  10. Sorry misc but im going to have to agree with you. Roma was the main attraction. He enjoyed the parties and his youth. He was not shy in the least and he brought in girls who also were not shy. He made it different for us viewers, something we had not seen before. Good observation.
  11. This place is even more boring than when the girls where by themselves. This couple brings nothing exciting to the table. Parties are pretty tame. Guess its something to watch anyway. Still trying to figure if they are new to being a couple or not that into each other.
  12. Bye Lilu and Milka good luck to you in life. Milka you have beautiful hair. Girls you are always welcome on this forum. Drop in and chat.
  13. I agree bean hope Milka is having some serious fun, it may be good for us she may find someone. As for Lilu she has decide to be an adult and enjoy herself and her life. She knows walking around naked all day is not real as we know that. We as viewers have to decide why we are viewing, for sex, for entertainment, or just for the thrill to view into someone else's life. Zman, finally, we are understanding us. To view the LIFE I can agree totally, but not to theatre and to life with some exclusions. Theatre is provided by the VV steering comittee and exclusions from life are decisions from Lilu and Milka. If they want to exclude their sex life from the villa, then they are wrong in such a project and need to leave. The sooner the better. Sorry still don't understand you. This is the girls life, if they chose not to share their sex life their choice. Milka not sure she has a sex life but it is what you are currently watching.To many here are acting like victims. In life if a company misrepresents its self you the consumer have the right not to do business with them. It seems many are not happy with site, don't do business with them anymore. Don't give them your money, don't watch it is simply.
  14. I agree bean hope Milka is having some serious fun, it may be good for us she may find someone. As for Lilu she has decide to be an adult and enjoy herself and her life. She knows walking around naked all day is not real as we know that. We as viewers have to decide why we are viewing, for sex, for entertainment, or just for the thrill to view into someone else's life.
  15. The dress code for Milka is same - day & night. You should know. I know just hoping new couples habits will start to rub off on her. Milka is pretty to look at but I want her to have a life like her new friends. Not just a cam girl doing nothing. She reads the post we find that boring. Milka when you read this go hangout with your friends, or go meet some new friends. Heck go to a park and get some sun. Enjoy life girl.
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