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Everything posted by zman3311

  1. Bean I with you with not posting either. I was waiting to see if Milka showed her the site and was waiting for her reaction. I hope they teach Milka about sleeping to much also and getting up and dressed for the day.
  2. It was undercover like most first timers on cam. They not shy so next time if next time should be better. Hopefully they stay tonite again get more action.
  3. I'm glad did not have to be by herself all weekend long. She likes having someone to talk to. She likes this couple and they are close in age. Hopefully couple will get friendly later.
  4. Whats up with Lilu she waved to the camera before she left. Well have nice day Lilu. Milka when you wake up have beautiful day.
  5. Guys I have an idea about whats currently going on. I believe VV apartment is currently being used as a hostel. A place for young Russians to stay, who come to Moscow as the start of their travels through EU. None have came with a lot of clothes. This last couple may be back after they travel around abit hopefully. That is my current theory. Seems plausible to me.
  6. Sorry to disagree K&K have ample time to do stuff. Yesterday they had all night to try something. Nora has nothing to do with them not hooking up. We are so transfixed of them having sex but there is more to relationships. The fact that they do not kiss, really grab any body part would state something else going on. This is purely entertainment for us.
  7. Sorry simple explanation Kammi not gay, let the dream die. Then why would you lay like that if you weren't into girls? They know we are watching, giving us something to talk about.
  8. Sorry simple explanation Kammi not gay, let the dream die.
  9. Just thought of something maybe current guy is Romas psycho younger brother. Roma sent him to Lilu, so she could watch for awhile.
  10. Lilu cant put phone down her man is on the other end. He wont or cant come over to play. I wish he would just visit so the mystery would be over. Mystery man come out to play hey. Lilu kick everyone out for one evening and have a quit night with BF. We wont peak if you do anything, we promise.
  11. Milka either likes this guy or she is starting to loosen up more around guys. With each new guy more interaction.
  12. Probably fill in so we want complain about them having a life outside of house. Fill in or permanent does not matter if they entertain you and you enjoy show. Hi ZMAN, I´m afraid you are the only one enjoying and being entertained. So, it´s a real private show for you and real life, of course. True but that is the essence of voyeurism. To view for your enjoy and if you don't like don't view. It has been what I have said from beginning. To view and not enjoy does not make sense to me. To complain about it does not make sense.
  13. Probably fill in so we want complain about them having a life outside of house. Fill in or permanent does not matter if they entertain you and you enjoy show.
  14. She has to stay in contact with her BF. And bean you know Lilu she playing hard to get, don't worry she is coming around.
  15. Fredrik why are you so worried about what other are willing to pay for. You don't enjoy watch don't watch. Let others decide how and what they want to spend their money on. Live and let live.
  16. Hello Milka, hello Lilu how are you ladies doing.
  17. It is pretty late for them to be sleeping maybe major party coming tonight.
  18. Lilu message beancounter he really digs you.
  19. I think Milka likes the short haired guy, she talks to him a lot and even smiles. I agree with that bean, the problem is she has been talking to some guy outside of the house. She usually talks to him about 3 to 4 in morning. Interesting to see how this will play out.
  20. Now that the other guys have left, time to hang out with the pressure of sex. Funny even starting to drink. Like watching this the other guys are a little pushy. These guy young guys make them feel safe.
  21. Lilu is not giving it up and Milkas face says it all she is done.
  22. Well if he does accept limits of girls, atleast the young guys are there to defend the ladies.
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