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Everything posted by esanders6969

  1. That old saying "if you snooze you lose" certainly applies to me because having had to work all night and finally being today is my off day I tried to wait as long as I could but as soon as she fell asleep on her couch I fell asleep myself but sadly The Little one was just finishing up in the guest room when I woke up
  2. well I'm on my way in doors to my job and hopefully when I get off tomorrow morning I can share in sum nice time with the little one I've been miss seeing lately and yes I have to say this I hope Paul isn't there only because I believe there's a better chance of something happening when he's not home now mind you I have absolutely nothing against this man I don't know him as far as I can see he's a great husband but I'm just saying there's a bigger percentage of something happening when he's not home
  3. What bad luck I have, I'm getting ready for bed and Leora just makes it home, well anyway I hope everyone's doing well
  4. Within a snap of a finger the whole atmosphere in this apartment abruptly changed as soon as Paul came home I don't know why that happens and now we have to go through this tired routine where we hope he leaves so maybe something will happen
  5. Thanks for nothing Paul, since you came home the little one is wearing something called clothing
  6. I have to tell you when Paul was gone the little one seem to have been more free-spirited and expressing more of her sexuality and just having fun in life being a female and all of us was so happy to benefit from it
  7. How does someone just gets better with time, every sexy step she makes, every sexy movement she makes just gets sexier each time she does it, she's like poetry in motion every time I see her
  8. What a good girl and so generous giving the free members some satisfaction because that's exactly the reason why I joined
  9. I can't tell you how great it feels to be around when the little one is feeling so sexy about herself and knowing our attention towards her makes her feel even better
  10. The three boyfriends I am referring to is the black, white and brown toys she has
  11. I have a feeling she's going to get one of her three boyfriends soon
  12. Believe me I hope I'm wrong but I have seen this before, somehow this window allows you to see if a person you're waiting on has arrived, but hopefully I'm wrong and Paul isn't showing up
  13. Don't get me wrong I am really enjoying her dancing but I have a strange feeling she's waiting for Paul
  14. Who can forget when her girlfriend was coming to visit and she was completely dress but within a snap of a finger she started bating for us and it was so intense she had to redress after her girlfriend showed up, so there is a possibility for something happening
  15. You know there has been times when Leora surprisingly bated for us, even after she was fully dressed, but the only piece of clothing I hate is that coat because once that coat comes out there is no opportunity for everything happening until she comes back home
  16. For some reason I feel I have to make some clarification but please believe me Paul is doing us a favor by having less sex because less from him means more bating from the one we all love and admire, and the more opportunity she has to make herself happy will make us really happy so I say to Paul keep that streak going and stay missing in action more often
  17. Every move you make every step you take I'll be watching you " nevertheless I'll be watching in love "
  18. Yes she is extremely beautiful but she is still a female and they have sad and somber moods some times, but it's a good thing for us that she knows we are here and when she feels she needs some special attention it's then she'll call on us in her very own special way
  19. Can we all just realize right now how good it feels that Paul is not home
  20. Thank goodness we have our little four-legged secret weapon to make the little one Happy
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